Thursday 25 June 2015


JUN25Hello there! Sandhya! Back again. We created a record of sorts today .I have been re -invited to post on the blog for a second successive day. I realise that my blog was short and to the point yesterday. So today I decided that I shall be a free bird and let myself go all the way. And give freedom to my expression to pen down my thoughts without the fear of the editing pen putting paid to my efforts. And thank God! I have a day during which a lot happened . Today was a day devoted to the inner workings of the mind. No MIS, no economics, no Finance and no punctured tyres . We reached well in time for the class with time to spare on the clock. It was one of those glorious mornings with the cloudy skies and a gentle breeze blowing . The age old trees at ASCI were rustling in the winds and it was a day for out doors. BUT there was learning to be done. and a LOT of it. And so it was that we found ourselves back in the class room...
In case you are wondering about the clock then let me demystify you. We were in the class well after the prescribed (1730H) and the class was still on . Emotionally we were drained learning about intelligence and Emotional Intelligence as part of interpersonal relationships. Amygydla, the right and left cortex made their appearance again during the class. Our self awareness increased and we learnt about self efficacy and the marshmallows experiment where cildren of the age group of 4-5 years were used as guinea pigs. I believe that longitudnal experiments proved that children who resisted the marshmallows were better adjusted in life. I wonder that if the experiment were to be carried out in India would they use Laddoos? My daughter does not like them much and This I am sure will show that she would be bettter adjusted in life in the future - if the same analogy of marshmallows -were to be applied here in India. Went through a battery of psychological tests today . Almost felt as if I was back in the services selection board(SSB) Subashini Madam is a hard task master and we ended up with a load of home assignments. The most interesting being watching 'Chak De India' and presenting our take on it.The faces of my fellow students was worth seeing. There was dismay and resignation written on their facial maps . As one them aptly summed up the whole situation (of home assignments ) saying "Bas Karo Madam Bachhe' ko Jaan Se Maroge Kya/". It was funny beyond compare.
During lunch we were given insights into the preparation of CVs by Mr Menon who had come on the invitation of Col Ravindra and kindly consented to enlighten us , since he was into helping companies to recruit. It was informative and helpful -to say the least..
Dr Dimple came on in the afternoon . She was well and recovered from her brief illness.  She took pity on us and used the afternoon to  explaining Perception to us in an innovative manner . She used a feature film (Full Length ) to drive home the lessons on perception.Very sweet of her... I/We Are learning...By the time I reached home the Nautica Watch I ordered for my spouse for his birthday,on Jun 20 had finally reached . So there was milk of human kindness flowing all round - in fact Amazon saved the day from any recriminations for my late arrival....
Now let us see who will have the temerity to accuse me of being brief, short, concise, terse, laconic, succinct, abrupt, clipped, to the point, pithy.....

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