Wednesday 17 June 2015

Chantelle and the Fridge

Jun 17
 Later when people asked each other as to the course of events , not many remembered what happened. Many claimed a hazy memory of the occurances. It took many hours of exhaustive nterviews and examination to bring out the facts. I shall try to recount them as faithfully as was recounted to me.
The day was gloomy with a slow drizzle ruining all plans of any exercise. The bright spot was cooling down of the atmosphere.
Sandhya lost her way while reaching the Rendezvous. Went off to a church ( Has religious inclinations?) before finding her way back-'Thank God'. Picked up Jagpal And Shivram and GJ. Reached ASCI just in time for the first class after some insane driving.
We were sure that the professor got held up for some important task. The matter was cleared up when we realised that she was one day behind in the week . There was easy familiarity since this was the second class. We warded off the insistence for the presentation by saying that we would like to do theory in the morning session. For a change Himanshu was looking flustered as if he had some unfinished task. His in-laws dropped in unexpectedly the previous evening... No wonder.
Some of us realised that the last economics class was 5days earlier. Hope we do not forget what has been taught earlier....
Tea; The biscuits had some sort of crunchy lining all over them. The texture of the biscuits felt quite different. The class got slightly delayed . Lot of back and forth in the class . Time took a backseat during the discussions and hence the delay.
Attempt was made to dissect the amorphous behaviour of the consumer . Irrespective of what Nayyar said It was our understanding that even at HCL the consumer was the King. Merely empowering the employee to make quick decisions does not place him above the consumer and make him first. In our view this empowerment is only to facilitate quicker service to the customer .
Mr Satish came good with making his word come true when he made the pool available to us in the afternoon.
After an invigorating swim and a good lunch it was back to class to dicuss chantelle and her Husband who were short changed by a canadian company in the matter of a defective fridge.Someone googled Chantelle. But the answers were available only on payment(sic)
By now we had worked out the case to a great extent. We had been in the classroom for almost 7hours before we gave up on the defective fridge and what should have been done or not before we got down to working on  the quintissential Indian male. We were wondering where we would fit...
We found that the time had come to reluctantly bring to a close moderated conversation and start working on the city based / rural Indian male and figure it out for ourselves this mystery which we are to deliberate upon tommorrow.
Overall an interesting period of discussion under the able tutelage of the Surgeon

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