Wednesday 10 June 2015

One and a half Hour

Jun 09
35 Years in the army. Celebrating work anniversary. Seen a lot of things in these years. Some pleasant some unpleasant some good some bad some happy some sad and mostly a rollicking roller coaster ride. Our gurus from ASCI tell us that in spite of the open door policy in the corporate world heirarchy is very much in vogue and fully functional.
The previous day we were - as part of the curriculum-made to introduce each other. This was to prevent any "I" specialists among us to wax eloquent about oneself. This was a novelty for us . Helped us know each other better. In the sevices we introduce ourselves based on a format issued by the Directing Staff (instructors in layman's language).
Today's class was on essentials of management. Our apprehension was  hour and a half long classes. Would our attention wander? We were programmed to classes of 40min classes with a 5min break. in any case our fears were misplaced . we were unduly worried. Dean Chandrasekhar has a mass of experience behind him.He has worked in banks and other institutions. His was a masterful performance and he was soon playing on us like stringed instruments with questions and anwers coming from us in a fashion that at least I did not know that I had it in me. Of course since it was management we could relate it to the way we did it in the arms and to our surprise most of the principles applied to the ones we followed in the arms. neverthless the class was very good followed by a case study of the delhi metro which helped us understand the finer aspects of management as taught till then... His ability to explain ensured that we did not feel out of our depth.
Following an excellent lunch we got down to understanding innovative practices and how in addition to good innovations marketing of these along with cost factor in mind played an important part in making a success of these innovations . motivation and teamwork were also taught by Prof Bagchi. The first day of learning brought favourable feedback from all concerned.
Were the instructors disappointed with the small size of the class??? Ibelieve not....

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