Oct 18
And how do you propose to impress people and get them to watch your movie"? said the producer. Sir this movie is scripted by the Faculty of Finance (They are great at twisting facts and creating a believable storyline) and Entrepreneurship ( All storylines with happy endings and sad are the forte of the entrepreneurship faculty - depending on what you like they can create a tearjerker or a comedy or a 'happily ever after story' as you prefer)of Administrative Staff College of India. Why the Entrepreneur faculty recently told us a story about one Mr Sawyer - but we are digressing....They have expert inputs from OB. And crowd psychology has been studied before even going on to the drawing board for the scripting the story. "Stories written by intellectuals are never a success"; said the Producer dismissively .But Sir before you dismiss it outright may I request you to kindly hear me out. Reluctantly the producer grumbled and said under his breath - " Pata nahin kahaan se' aa jaate' hain. Kaam nahin Dhandaa nahin glass toda aath aane'. This was strictly ignored and the marketing division proceeded to say - Sir we have an excellent marketing division. They have connections in the right places in the advertising industry which will pull all stops in publicising the movie.
The Producer's interest was perked. He started seeing the possibilities. Sir in addition we also have an economics section who will advice you on judicial spending.They will be sure to point out unnecessary expenditure, map out the demand and supply curve and also tell you about the export possibilities and the demand in the foreign market for the film. They will also help you tweak the market to maximise the profits at the same time ensuring that they artificially improve the demand. "I don't know... " said the producer. Sir they also have an excellent Public Relations unit. We can vouch for it. Recently one of the participants doing a course at ASCI became concerned with the mounting number of suicides in the state. He did a lot of research and produced a document which promoted a method of reducing - if not completely stopping - the suicides. It being a noble cause the publicity machinery of ASCI was put into top gear. Soon the participant was taking part in Sponsored discussions on the Television , giving interviews and being interviewed by reporters. The response to this initiative was terrific and this model of suicide prevention was adopted all over the state , by the state government.
"But what about the locations and the costumes and the patenting of the story?" asked the producer. "Who will help me with that?" Sir are you asking us to spoon feed you on all aspects of the movie? Will you not be doing anything at all? The Producer was immediately put off. " It is my money that is being used to make a movie which seems to be a loser right from the beginning; Naturally I have to be careful. I can't be doing things half- heartedly". Sir we agree with you totally. When we said that you have to do the marketing yourself , we meant that there will be remuneration involved in hiring our marketing division. We have the expertise but it is for hire. The producer's face cleared. " Of course Of course that is what I meant. I am sure that what you will provide will greatly enhance the success of the movie". At last the fish was nibbling. Seemed like a happy ending was in sight. and suddenly the clouds became dark again. " What about cost overruns and delays in the project?" The Producer's face was was writ large with anxiety. Sir on that score you need have no worry. Our experts on project Management already have a blue print for the entire project. They have done the project mapping of the entire project, and will advise you on where the project can be crashed or in layman terms how time can be best utilised to meet the deadlines of the final project. They have even set up a war room... "What about authenticity and acceptance of the project "? Sir what about it ? If you are worried that there is a problem and people will see through it - for God's sake it is a feature film. However we have an excellent library where all facts as mentioned in the story have been thoroughly researched- even those facts that seem to be fiction are backed by impeccable research. "Timing of Release of the movie is important...." Oh yes it is important. Our HR department has worked out our competition , children's examinations , vacation time , festivals and other aspects which may affect the release time and decided that 20 Nov is the best date. The Producer said," So far we seem to have ironed out most of our differences but one thing which still bothers me is labour unrest. Your track record in this aspect is not exactly very good.." Sir we have worked wonders with our staff. We have an excellent branch for communications and negotiations . The lady in charge is a firebrand and can ensure a trouble free shooting till we put the film in the cans.
And how do you propose to impress people and get them to watch your movie"? said the producer. Sir this movie is scripted by the Faculty of Finance (They are great at twisting facts and creating a believable storyline) and Entrepreneurship ( All storylines with happy endings and sad are the forte of the entrepreneurship faculty - depending on what you like they can create a tearjerker or a comedy or a 'happily ever after story' as you prefer)of Administrative Staff College of India. Why the Entrepreneur faculty recently told us a story about one Mr Sawyer - but we are digressing....They have expert inputs from OB. And crowd psychology has been studied before even going on to the drawing board for the scripting the story. "Stories written by intellectuals are never a success"; said the Producer dismissively .But Sir before you dismiss it outright may I request you to kindly hear me out. Reluctantly the producer grumbled and said under his breath - " Pata nahin kahaan se' aa jaate' hain. Kaam nahin Dhandaa nahin glass toda aath aane'. This was strictly ignored and the marketing division proceeded to say - Sir we have an excellent marketing division. They have connections in the right places in the advertising industry which will pull all stops in publicising the movie.
"There are a few more points to discuss - like work timings, we don't want untoward incidents, the cast and and most important the story plot. I must admit that you people are good you have entirely sidetracked me. Let us discuss that tomorrow....
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