Wednesday 10 June 2015

Birth Pangs

A long course at a prestigious institution. Six months is a good amount of time to learn the ropes for starting a new life as a retired person from the armed forces and this is what Administrative Staff College of India has set out to do with nine of us from the Army Navy and the Air
force. This is a first time endeavour by them in training persons from the Armed Forces. The process for me started off with contacting Prof Nirmalya Bagchi over the phone . What struck me right from the beginning was the approachability of the professor while I asked him about the institution and his patience in explaining the curriculum and his conviction that he would be able to help us understand the nuances of the business world and help us ease into the new life with adequate preparation.
On entering the hallowed portals of ASCI one could not help but be impressed with the serenity and quite of the place.Unconsciously one started conversing in muted tones . ASCIis located at the palace of the erstwhile Prince of Berar known as Bella Vista at Hyderabad . in the evergrowing crowds of hyderabad the college is a green lung situated next to the Raj Bhavan.
The college is an autonomous organization and is not interfered with  by the government. 
we were directed to the lecture hall where the opening address was to be held that day. The lecture hall was an opulent hall which hosted many illustrious persons from independent India and abroad notable among whom were presidents and prime ministers and Fd Marshal SHFJ Maneckshaw.
Of the nine officers attending we had Col Jagpal,Col Banerjee, Col Shivram LtCol Perumal, Gp Capt GJ Rao, Wg Cdr Prasad,Sqn Ldr Sandhya and LtCdr Himanshu. After introductions the proceedings began with the Director General , Mr Ravi Kant giving out the opening address. I believe that it was thanks to him that this course was initiated . This was because he prevailed on the the Ministry of Defence to conduct the course. His list of achievements are many and manifold and a quick glance at these gave a clear message- Read these at leisure and when one has time on hand. This was the case with the rest of the faculty including the Dean, Mr Chandrasekhar and the chief Guest of the day Mr Nand Kishore,CEO Ramky estates the 600? crore enterprise..
Naturally all thoughts of an easy time were reluctantly bid a good bye. Questions like " will the old dog learn new tricks?" were also answered in the first hour itself. Some of the expertise and experience would surely rub off on us from this distinguished faculty... Mr Ravi Kant said that we would have to unlearn and then learn new things .I tend to disagree. We would surely learn - there was no need to unlearn....
The first day was capped with a small assignment after clearing a few formalities. The food was really goood at lunch.The other officers were also suitably disposed towards the course

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