Sunday 28 June 2015

Past Present and Future

There is a feeling of inevitability as the sun is on its downward path on a sunday afternoon. Sunday is coming to an end -as did saturday and the day before that. Often we hear people saying ' do not live in the past'. Is that really an option ? Can one forget the past and start everyday as if all of the past was wiped clean? Imagine what would happen if that were the case.
Waking Up- My wife would wake up screaming when she wakes up and regards me as a stranger. This would only come to rest after invoking the past and reminding her that I am indeed related to her. The downside would be that I had stood her up the previous evening to spend time with my buddies to have a drink. Complicated explanations and assurances of a bauble / clothes would alleviate the problem to a certain extent. AND if I had to do this every morning will I be rich or poor? better to let her remember the past and be resigned to the fact that I will not  change.
Day's Routine Since we are sharing a car pool , one would be hard put to remember whose turn it was to bring the car - and then- complications... We would be hard put to remember as to who is Prof Bagchi, prof Mahadik and all the others.. May involve learning all over again... Duration of the course would go much beyond six months. Time will come to nought. Past proves once again that it is important.
Interaction We in the class would forget our course mates. Re -mingle, learn about each other adjust with each other - only to repeat the process again as the next day would again be a new one. NOT worth it - people are remembered as they are filed in the vast data base of the brain and filed under different categories. Our data base would be wiped clean and there would be no reference point  in the labyrithine corridors of the brain. Past wins out again...
Food This I think is the only positive thing about forgetting the past as the same menu would be enough to satisfy our taste buds day in and day out. But then again - if you forget what was prepaed yesterday for your daily repast then how will one simplify the process with the same menu if one does not remember what was made yesterday. Remembering Past wins again.
Capabilities I for one would not know what I am capable of. Will be confused , will be unaware of my likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits, crazes and aberrations and- and I forget what else I will forget....
Businesses no statistics will be remembered , business worth is reset every day, no trends to follow on the stock market no knowledge whatsoever of happeneings yesterday... Business transactions of the past are null and void. World will come to a stand still. Retention zero ... interaction with jagpal banjo and I forget who else...
next time you tell someone to "forget it" think of how this sort of encouragement would be counter productive and in fact go a step further and tell all concerned REMEMBER- it is the only way foward. As someone said "it is best to learn from ones experiences"

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