Wednesday 10 June 2015


Jun 10
prof Mubeen Rafat was sitting at her desk wrestling with her computer when we walked into the class. It ultimately got ready to flash the slides on the screen. Turned out that she did not really need the powerpoint presentation at all. Her command over the subject of finance was absolute.The moment she started teaching she was like a human dynamo.She used other teaching aids like the white board to good effect. Prior to joining ASCI she was working in Bombay. Added to that she is advisor to lot of companies and so on... we as services personnel tend to shy away from finances . I think it is the fear of the unknown. Prof Mubeen alleviated these fears to a large extent.Though I suppose it will take a few more sessions to get into the grove to think differently.We are looking forward to more classes in finance. Though difficult to follow her advise to keep smiling...
Preparation of CV seems to be an entirely different kettle of fish. How we will convince the companies to look into providing jobs to personnel whose skill sets are different from what happens in day to day life on the civvie is difficult to understand. Though we are sanguine that with Mr Mahadik we will be able to find a middle ground....Looking forward to tomorrow

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