Monday 29 June 2015

The Bout

The stage was set . We were training for  this for past so many days. Advance publicity was already in place . The tickets sold out for the bout - a bout of monday blues. we worked hard over the weekend for this fight. In the red corner was Prof Mubeen Rafaat armed with the knowledge of finance . She had trained equally hard for this moment and possessed special weapons of the financial kind. Her ability to read the opponent and work on the weaknesses  of the opponent was legendary. She coud pick holes in the opponents defense and punch her way through three hours of finances. But she had to walk the tight rope and execute a "balancing act". Her mandate was to teach the opponent to balance so that he would not bite dust when confronted with the balance sheet. Her assets -non current and fixed and the investments , cash etc formed a formed part of a formidable inventory.
In the blue corner were a bunch of blank amateurs who were ready to be brought upto speed and be educated on the nuances of  balancing their accounts. Their only reserves being a surplus of patience and the ability to be written upon ,as a blank  slate.
 Round I
On the bell the class started with ploughing into the lessons previously taught ending with the last class on assets and liabilities smoothly being dovetailed into the present class. The punches came in a furious flurry with the blue being draped on the ropes by the end of the first hour. Blue was dazed by the onslaught with assets and liabilities floating in front of his eyes . The domination was complete. So much so that Blue started looking at the clock longingly for this round to end when he would be rewarded with a hot cup of tea and other refreshments. When the bell to end round one went off blue was heaving sighs of relief and a feeling that the worst was over.
Round II
Red changed her tactics totally in round II when the balance sheet was brought into picture. It was like being puched in the solar plexus . Reliance and Dhirubhai ambani made a spectacular entrance when second round was starting. The skills of  ambani were explained . consolidated balance sheets studied and finally some semblance of orderliness was brought in to the  hithertofore confusing moves being executed by the red opponent. Not that it gave any advantage at the end of the round...
Red was the clear winner.
Round III
Just when blue was rejoicing at having got away with his life after two rounds of unrelenting pummelling from finance then the new opponent in the form of Prof Dimple entered armed with an entirely different set of weapons on organisation behaviour. She did not come alone. She brought along Maslow - to tell us how impossible it was to achieve 'Nirvana' without first satisfying our physiological needs , safety needs , social needs and our need for self esteem. No amount of argument from us to the contrary would persuade Prof Dimple to think otherwise. in the end Prof Dimple prevailed...WE still think that Indian diasphora is replete with examples of people who achieved Nirvana without going through all other stages as prescribed by  maslow. In the end Edward and equity theories also made their appearance reinforced by the TED Talks.
Red Was the Winner
All in all an educative And learning class with Red being the clear winner


  1. Red has decided to collaborate with Blues it is now part of the blue brigade

  2. Mission accomplished!! (partly)
    Reda and blues collaborated to succesfully demolish the monster called the balance sheet.
    Our nest mission is to demolish the P&L Account.
