Thursday 18 June 2015


Prof Mahadik said'one picture is worth a thousand words.We think that a lot depends on the interpretation of the picture. At the moment I can think of many different interpretations for this picture. For example in this picture Jagpal and Banjo are discussing as to what to do with the problem child Sandhya. OR they are trading gossip Or they are stressed out about the impending superannuation from the service and wondering as to how to overcome the pitfalls of retirement ORThey are working hard at deciphering the Indian male.Which in this case is the truth .All the inputs with regard to buyers' cultural, social, personal and psychological were in place. This has given them an insight into the indian males' decision process whereby all available alternatives are being evaluated by them. Thereafter the indian males' purchase decision and consumptionn patterns are being established. Sandhya is working on the dissonance which might occur if the product does not come up to the consumers' expectations. Careis being exercised by Jagpal to ensure that the product is launched in the market at the right time and pricing suits the consumers pocket.
GJ, prasad and perumal are examining the personal factors involved working out the occuptions life style  and beliefs and attitudes of the buyer. They have come to the conclusion that the Indian male buyer feels good only if everything is being controlled by the buyer wherein the male is the sole bread winner of the family. Of course this will only succeed if  he is more than compensated for his job and the housewife is at home to provide the husband a hot cup of tea when he comes home after a tiring day. They are also of the opinion that since the children are part of the buying process and that the lady of the house has certain aspirations, she should be provided the oppurtunity to pursue her goals.
Himanshu has an entirely different opinion abot the Indian male. He is of the view that if a lady is given a free hand she can be of immense value to the family system. she should be an equal and this would provide a lot more to help decision making in the purchase of the promoted goods . Hence all promotions with regard to purchase of male centric goods should also target the women as this would pay rich dividends in the dynamic market, Here he is supporting his arguments with documented anthropological studies which as per him underline the importance of the family as a whole in any decision making process. Overall the class was interesting and hope fully as Ms Shahaida visualised generated a healthy discussion. We take this opportunity to wish the surgeon on the arrival of the month of Ramzan. It is the time when Hyderabad comes alive with a variety of cuisine which is famous throughout the world...

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