Wednesday 24 June 2015

Predictable Irrationality

Jun 24
Wednesday 24 Jun 15 was designed for MIS studies by Prof Bagchi. This class was of utmost importance keeping in mind the corporate world..but cudnt reach faculty on time due to FLAT TYR!!! BT HE MAN SHU...#NT TO GIV UP ATTITUDE# managed to fix d stepney.. Thank god...IN mis we focused upon# Decision support system # transaction processing system #system based function #3 tier architecture #___in between prof Mahadik emphasised upon COMPLETING the CV by d end of the week...

 Today's guest contribution is from Sandhya. As you would have noticed she believes in conveying the import of her thoughts very briefly and to the point. She succeeded in covering what I would take half a page to a few well chosen words and symbols. Thank You Sandhya for your input to this humble blog . Sandhya will be  a rising star in the corporate sector -  if she so desires -  with her multi hued and organised training in the armed forces for over ten years ...

Our condolences to Prof Bagchi - who- in spite of a personal loss, soldiered on through the day to complete the task at hand - which was that of educating us in a adroit fashion. WE compliment you for not letting your emotions interfere with your duty. It touched a chord in our hearts . The class itself - in spite of a complete day programme surprisingly went of very well. As is the case with adoption of tactics in war even the solutions we prepared for our presentation did not have a wrong solution, As per Prof Bagchi all answers are right - only it is a matter of interpretation and the ability of seeing the glass half full. 

There was a group of trainees on the lawns of the colllege who were colourfully turned out in multi coloured caps and were - as per our interpretation from the first floor windows - playing croquet. Though what lessons one could learn from this game was beyond us. Probaly team work and and strategy and tactics which could then be superimposed on the corporate world, to pay rich dividends....

Another group was grappling with environmental studies . We may have to request a class with them to learn as to how the governmental agencies were working to keep the environment of India intact.

A word about the CV. Many of us have limped through the process of preparing a CV full of predictable irrationalities. What we consider as choice career accomplishments may seem trivial in the eyes of the employer. What will - I expect - will stand us in good stead is a complete trained individual who will be adaptable and flexible to changes...

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