Friday 19 June 2015

The Interview

JUN 19
It was only after great prodding that Himanshu was persuaded to talk about himself. We decided to do the interview during the lunch break when the class room was empty with no distractions. Naturally I was excited at the thought of delving into someone else's mind . It offered an insight into the working of the mind of a articulate and intelligent youngster. it would also provide us an opportunity to understand the psyche of a person who was in sync with the present day world . On the civvie street we would be dealing with the likes of Himanshu in the corporate world . and I am sure that this would be a part of our continuing education. When we walked into the class on Jun 08 we were pleasantly surprised to see two youngsters in addition to others of my age group.
I am sure that others would be looking forward to this interview as I would in presenting it.
  The class today was on economics and soon we were lost in the micro economics as pontificated by Ms Ashita Allamraju who was a case in point when I said that a much more recent age group was ruling the roost whether it was education  , corporate world or otherwise. Her  achievements like the rest of her collegues are distinguished and quite a few. A cheerful and able instructor she held the class's attention right from the word go. She was also one among the long list of top lady instructors who were given the challenge of educating us.  soon we were immersed in the relationship between demand , pricing and supply and how they affected the business people in deciding as to  how the market was to function in furthering the art of making Money. Sometimes during the class we felt that there were no ideal solutions and anything that helped in the business goes ...
After a quick lunch himanshu and I headed back to the class for our interview.
He is the son of a scientist and has two brothers. Since child hood he was a precocious child and is deeply devoted to his family. In the quite class room with nothing disturbing us except the drone of the air conditioner . the interview started.
MR- Tell me something about your childhood.
HS- There is really nothing much to say...I was born in hyderabad and did my schooling here.
MR- Which school?
HS- I studied in a school close to home but later joined little flower High school at abids.Abids is a business centre in hyderabad as also for most of the christian missionary schools like St Georges, All Saints and Rosary Convent for girls. So in spite of my school being a boys' school there was no dearth of interaction with girls . In fact my wife is the alumni of Rosary convent.
MR- Was this relationship  incidental?
HS- Well you can say that to a limit. Because my wife's parents were landowners in Nearby village and she had come to town for studies.
MR- Where did you do your college?
HS- I did my Junior college in Narayanguda And my degree in Syed Hashmi college of engineering near hyderabad. Thereafter I joined the Indian Navy with training at Lonavla at INS Shivaji.
MR- Tell us about your life in the Indian Navy..
HS- The naval tenure is something that I remember with fondness and pride. I have worked on a number of projects and have been fortunate at excelling in my field . This was recognised by my superiors for which I have been suitably commended by my superiors. I have been -I am proud to say- instrumental in pioneering a number of projects which will I am sanguine be in effect in near future.
MR- That is a lot to do at such a young age;
HS- When one believes in something one should always strive to achieve that so that one does not have regrets for not having expressed oneself.
MR- Why if I may ask are you planning for a complete turnaround from the job you love?
HS- I am dynamic in nature . Added to that ( This after a brief Pause) my family is in the USA. After this course I will do A brief stint in the civil Organization before proceeding to join her there,
MR- What are your other Interests?
HS- I am often foxed when someone springs this question on me.( after a moment of reflection he continues...) I am in love with music. Before you ask me my preferences let me say that any music which is pleasant on the ear is worth listening to in whichever language. I am a great fan of Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan And other science fiction writers. There is something about the infinity that appeals to me. I believe that it is in the nature of man to explore the unknown. These writers take you into the infinity and beyond,
I also am a humble devotee of good health and plan to participate in the marathon which is going to be held in the near future at hyderabad.
MR- While it has been a fruitful interaction time does not permit a more detailed discussion . What are your takeaways from this course?
HS - As it is for all the others I would like to understand the nuances of the civil street which I am sure will stand me in good stead in the future and which are being taught in an excellent fashion by the instructors here.
So there you have the views of the quintissential young Indian male .I hope you all will enjoy reading it as much as I did in conducting this interview.

The class ended with exercises to test our assimilation of teachings so far. For myself I can say that the mind is like a sieve... many hole have to be plugged before any fruitful retention.. 

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