Wednesday 26 August 2015

Nuts And Bolts

Aug 26
Cyber Towers
Jagpal And Prasad at Cyber Towers

 Second day in running we were clubbed with the Projects class. This class was as you remember, with us during the lecture by Prof Sarma from NALSAR, who lectured us on the intricacies of the law as regards contracts , arbitration and various other aspects of civil law which left us in a very thoughtful frame of mind  It also prevented us from interacting with the fellow learners from Assam, Karnataka, Maharastra and our esteemed neighbouring country ,Nepal. Today , however there was a lot of time for us to interact with them. Of course we had to remind them that we were together the previous evening. They in fact mistook us for L&T employees! After the initial hiccups we were at ease with each other . Today's trip was to the famed cyber towers at the Hi Tech city...This has become a landmark on the hyderabad skyline , ever since the city became a IT destination. Naturally , since we reached the destination earlier than the others we posed for some photoes outside.
 The guards were initially reluctant to let us in and only did so after the confirmation from the L&T office. This office was a much scaled down version of the one at Nagole which was opulent in comparison. On reaching their office on the 4th floor , we managed to get inside through the sheer forceful personality of Jagpal in part and finally the fact that L&T was made aware of our presence. The class soon arrived and the lecture by the L&T rep started soon after. It was de'ja vous for us services personnel as the proceedings started off with the 10 minute documentary on the Hyderabad Metro. Nevertheless we all watched the film with great interest. It is indeed a matter of great wonder and pride at what the company could achieve with a little direction and meticulousness.  The officer from the metro was peppered with questions and he - to his credit answered them with aplomb and thoroughness. Most questions came from the other participants of the project management programme of ASCI. During the briefing the officer made a presentation on the way the whole project was conceived , what planning went into the project , how they went about executing the project who their partners were, and where the project stood at the moment.
Jagpal And Sivaram

 On a query about the whether the project was delayed the officer said that the overall progress was well on course to completion . He did talk about the minor irritants which were there and which were being resolved with application and some planning .He hastened to explain that there were times when frustration crept in because of the lengthiness of procedures and bottle necks which are there with all the projects. Such was his mastery of the facts that the question and answer session and the thirst for knowledge on all aspects related to the execution of the project that we overshot the time alloted for the interaction by more than thirty minutes. The desire to replicate the model in the states which were represented by the participants was overwhelming. It was education to watch Prof Shah steer the discussion in the direction in which the participants wanted to clarify the points which were unclear to them in the classroom. While we gained knowledge we are sure that in our desire to prove our grasp of the situation we gave many valuable inputs to the metro people in furthering their project - and - all for free! Soon this wonderful presentation got over - much to the disappointment of the participants. It was informed to us that the Mascot for Hyderabad Metro was NIZ. As per the details available the name was short form for Nizam of Hyderabad, since this was where the metro was ... He was dressed in jeans and held a scepter . The mascot is proposed to be located at all the stations and direct the people with his scepter. The scepter was also to establish the royal connection with the Nizam. Post the interaction the social interaction started. The government officials and the service personnel interacted. Prasad in his inimitable style was telling a lady from Assam that he had noticed rings on four fingers of her hand - he said " it would be a travesty of justice if the little finger was not adorned with a ring as it might feel neglected'. It elicited a lot of laughter and the lady promised to do the needful..I leave you with a few moments captured on my camera to record this evening of learning and enlightenment...

Presentation Concluded

Prof Shah asking a Question
On The Way Out

Long Session And After

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