Friday 14 August 2015

Independence day

Aug 15

On the 69th independence day we the Officers of ARMSASCI WISH YOU ALL A VERY SPECIAL AND HAPPY DAY . We also take this opportunity to wish all the participants in the one week programme for bankers and government officials, a very happy independence day . The country , not withstanding various setbacks has made spectacular progress in all the fields. The  change from a fledgling state to a force to be reckoned with has been slow but steady. Over a period of time the undying enthusiasm guided by the thinkers and lawmakers has ensured the place of  our country among the top ranked nations of the world. Our ability and tenaciousness to fight the odds and our pride has led the country to stand out in various fields. Successfully celebrating the 69th independence day has proved that we do not require intervention from outside to improve the lot of our people . For the past so many years we have been proving to the world that - in spite of our diverse culture from Kashmir to Kamyakumari and from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh - Democracy is alive and well and is capable of taking whatever the vagaries the nature or outside interference has been throwing at us, in our stride.

Let us take some time to thank Gandhiji and all freedom fighters who fought selflessly to make this possible. But for their sacrifice we might still be a satellite of the British empire .We respectfully bow our head to these wonderful people. They are the karma yogis of the world as we know it today . While the civil organisations have been fighting a different war on the economic front to ensure that the country was economically viable , the soldiers of the nation have not been idle. They are largely responsible in keeping the enemy at bay. The nation has been going from strength to strength after having fought the war of Kashmir in 47, the debacle of the chinese war , the pakistan aggression of '65 . the Bangla desh war of 71 and the kargil war of '99 . Many soldiers have lost their lives defending the honour of the country and ensuring that the country progressed on other fronts. We salute the martyrs and pray for their families . 

In the ever changing equation throughout the country the only stable factor has been the Armed Forces. We of ARMSASCI are proud to be a part of this excellent institution. If today , were someone to ask us , that in case we had a choice to turn back the clock and take up a different profession , our answer to this rather inane question would be a resounding NO. We would , if given a chance do it all over again and continue to serve the nation in uniform, for the betterment of the country.                                                                                                                                                   
The Elite Parachute Regiment on Rajpath
In the past sixty nine years the country has done well be it in the field of science , space - we are among the elite nations who are top ranked in this particular field , Our culture has spread all over the world and India is a favourable destination for tourism spiritualism and our expertise in the medical field is so good and cheap that this country is a favoured destination for all major medical procedures . What others call Brain Drain We call it export of intellect to foreign shores . Many people are in top positions in world renowned companies,making their mark in private as well as governmental organizations.All in all brand India is alive and kicking on the world stage . We are proud to be Indians . Once Again Happy Independence Day!

A Naval Ship Hoisting the Indian Flag on Independence Day
The pride of Indian Airforce The Surya Kirans Performing Aerobatics on Independence Day

I leave you with this moving picture of our soldiers hoisting the Tricolour after capturing an important position in the Kargil War. The look of pride and achievement on their faces is worth a thousand words .


1 comment:

  1. Proud to be Indian and as rightly brought out by Col Ravi, proud to be part of the Military service to be able to serve our mother land in the most patriotic manner. Wish every one a happy, prosperous and progressive Independence Day. GJ Rao
