Thursday 13 August 2015

Half a century

Aug 13

     I take this oppurtunity to thank all my course mates and instructors and ASCI for having whole heartedly participating in the process of developing this blog. Many of you have contributed to this blog and also been the life and soul of the daily occurrences. The most anyone can do to make any venture a success -you have done it -- we all have done it. Thank you Sandhya, Himanshu Jaggu, Sivaram, GJRao, Banjo , Prasad and Perumal. We have completed 50 contributions including today. I am sure that with your continued participation the blog will keep going from strength to strength in the days to come....
     A variety of topics were in discussion during the tea break. Soon it inevitably drifted towards jokes One joke was about how the ladies were the dominant partners financially in any marriage. It was mentioned that most of the jokes were about the marital relationships on whatsapp. And that they were not always complimentary. Immediately all started narrating jokes about this particular aspect. Someone told the joke about the man who was ecstatic with joy on being divorced. When asked why he said that from now on he only had to pay fifty percent of his earnings to his wife! The joke was well received. We struggled with the reason as to why this was so. The ultimate conclusion was that any  relationship was symbiotic in nature.
Further jokes were cracked and there was much hilarity.

From our window to the world we could see the lawn. If one went down to the lawn , one could see a board lying under the bushes. On closer inspection one could see that it was cautioning people not to walk on the grass. People have a tendency to ignore such cautions when speaking on the mobile telephone. They have an urge to travel when they receive a call . they like to wander all round without really seeing where they are going. They also tend to speak in loud voices not really caring as to whether anyone is paying attention to what they are talking. There is really no pattern in their wanderings.....
Yesterday we left the story of losing weight half way. The audience feels betrayed if left halfway on a good story. They tend to lose interest and say " here is an author who cannot be trusted - he cannot complete a here goes....

The knee pain was so intense (Refer yesterday's Blog)that it was impossible to locomote without limping.                the time was ripe for some drastic action. In 2012 I instituted the plan for weight reduction by working out regularly, Almost for about two hours in a day . This kept me healthy and in fine fettle. But did not help me lose weight even by a kilogram.Probably this had something to do with my eating habits. While I did work out I did not do much else with regard to my diet or otherwise . It was back to the doctors for advise on how to reduce weight. The prognosis was not very encouraging. They looked at me , pursed their lips and shook their heads pessimistically. But there is always a silver lining to the cloud. There was one bright spark amongst them who advised me that it was possible to lose weight by undergoing surgery. After much thought and deliberation I decided ( Or rather was pushed into the surgery by my well wishers) to go ahead. For those among us who are wondering as to what this surgery was , it is called the beriatric surgery. The procedure in simple terms is that one goes under the surgeon 's knife and gets ones stomach snipped off to about one fourth the size . This prevents one from gorging on food and one can eat only small amount at a time. A reduction in diet helps one lose weight to a certain extent thereafter one has to keep constant vigil and keep exercising and maintain/ reduce ones weight. The biggest drawback being that one can possibly relapse into heavy eating and as one's capability to eat increases over a period and  again put on weight.I thank my Doctor KJ singh for having put me on the path to recovery. The journey back to fitness was replete with pitfalls and it took constant vigilance to prevent relapse. The advantages of having lost weight were so many that I will not even deign to enumerate them here. Suffice it to say that I feel good and very happy to have regained my health. In all I lost about 76kgs.....


  1. Fifty blogs!!! Good mile stone to cross over...

  2. Half a century upwards and 76 kg downwards are remarkable achievements. GJ Rao
