Tuesday 25 August 2015


Aug 25
Sometimes I compare myself to a housewife . Before you split your sides with laughter, let me clarify. A Housewife has to look after the family and the house and ensure that everyone in her brood stays happy and contented . Her children who are her biggest point of affection may also be the cause of her despair. All food she cooks may not be palatable for them They complain bitterly about the standard of food and refuse to eat claiming that the food she cooks is mostly tasteless and not fit for human consumption . If she does manage to please the children then her Husband may not be enjoying the same food that she so lovingly cooked for her children. He would have that sad look on his face - as if to say - " You have no time for the only bread winner of the family. Your universe revolves only around the children. " This would make her feel hurt and angry at the same time. The frustration builds up and she becomes a prime candidate for GJ Rao. Importance lies in recognising her contribution while the husband was at the office.

Jagpal in conversation with Prof Sarma
In a similar fashion when I am settling down to write the blog .The thought foremost  in my mind is what do I do next. How do I hold the attention of my audience ? How will the readers like the article? Did they enjoy it? Will the review be positive ? Or Negative? I hope that I have not rubbed anyone the wrong way. The pressures are too much... AND so one has to - by ones own standards - need to -write in an appropriate manner. Sampling the audience for better reviews is a must. Our stated aim should be " how do we convert more and more people to read the blog on a sustained level.. The theory that people read blogs not only to escape the mundane day to day activities but also to gain some 'Gyan' should be elaborated upon. This elaboration would help us come to the research design which in turn will help us formulate the research question. This framework will also lead us to the answers and help us apply the research questions to a wide cross section of people. Since most of the people who read the blog are of generally the same social strata sampling of the subjects becomes that much more easier. In this particular case issue of a questionnaire to almost all the subjects would throw up the solution to the problem. Well taught Mr Bilolikar . We hope that this feedback would be a reflection on how much we have learnt the past few days from you.Finally Prof Bagchi put in an appearance today at tea time. Proves that the blog is a powerful medium to express ones views. If you remember , yesterday I had said that he was not seen for quite sometime. Of course he came with the aim of telling us that we had to hurry up with the brochure . We told him that it would be ready by the first week of september.
Audience in a well earned tea - break
Progress on GJ Rao's Suicidal prevention gained impetus . He was granted audience with the Andhra Pradesh Health Minister, who promised to do everything in his power to help further the noble cause of suicide prevention.
During the afternoon there was another guest lecture by Mr Sarma. Mr Sarma is a Professor at NALSAR ( National Academy of Legal Studies and Research) For the next three hours he spoke about the law with regards to contracts and how we can make them iron clad. He pointed out various loopholes as existing in the law and how we could overcome them. His lecture was an eyeopener and one heartening feature was that he told us that non repayment of loans was not a crime. So all those who have outstanding loans can take comfort this fact. Although in the services it is a court martial able offence... Every day one becomes a more learned person. How we apply it in the future remains to be seen...

1 comment:

  1. The blog is a good chronicle for those unable to experience the day in person. I admire Col Ravindra's zeal. please keep it up !
