Monday 24 August 2015

In General..

Aug 24

       Welcome Back to reading some of the more exciting stuff in the Blog world. It was a Sabbatical of sorts. Last blog was written on thursday last when we had visited the metro. Since then the effort to chronicle the happenings at the metro took toll on the creative quotient and left the author in a poor state of befuddlement and exhaustion. The new week did not bring much needed succor in any form in spite of the extended weekend. Prof Bagchi has gone incognito. He is not to be seen nor is he to be heard . We miss him. In fact he is not even seen in the dining room for lunch. Almost makes for a book "The Mystery of the Missing Professor". Prof Bilolikar fell ill. There is flu virus in the air.Hats of to his resilience. When asked as to why he was not resting he said that his work ethic prevented him from doing so,Moreover how could he think of resting  when there was so much work to be done.

         Prof Mahadik is the only one who is dedicated to the course. He is there every morning dot on time at 0855H. He is always there to hand over the class to the new instructor who visits the class for the first time. The day was relatively quite. But in the lunch time there are all sorts of noises from protesting people. While the noise was bearable earlier it has developed in to a major irritant in the past few days. They scream shout and then go away for lunch. Wonder how it would feel if someone disturbed them while they were having their lunch. It is a point to ponder upon....But the show must go on . In spite of this impasse between the Management and the staff, it is to the credit of the ASCI that the participants are not inconvenienced.

        The study on prevention of suicides by GJ Rao is fast drawing to a close . He is single-mindedly pursuing the completion of the project to ensure that it gets completed before the world suicide prevention day on September 10. On the other hand more field trips are planned in the near future by our Directing Staff. The time has come to put into action the learning we have garnered in the past 12 weeks of the course.  The practical aspect of the course is coming to the fore. We look forward to these trips and hope to meet new people who, we are sure will provide us insights into the way the civil organizations function and how best we can amalgamate ourselves into this world so that we remain gainfully active for a long period of time to come post retirement from the Armed forces.

        There is a dearth of material for putting down on record , considering the slowing down of the course. For the fear of sounding repetitive and boring I plan to conclude my ramblings . Who knows what might happen in the future.... But then tomorrow is another day...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping the steam of the blog on. As you rightly prophesied, I would be closing down my project on Suicide prevention soon and certainly before 10 th Sep, the World Suicide Prevention day.Hope my project would serve reduce the suicides.
