Thursday 20 August 2015

Metro Mazaa

Mr Anil Saini
Aug 20
Captain Ravinder Reddy's (Retired ) Guards received us at the gate of L&T Operations Base at Uppal. They were quietly professional. One of them politely asked me to open the boot of the car, so that he could check it . We were surprised at this request for L&T had prior information of our impending visit . We of course attributed it to professionalism and were impressed with the thoroughness of the guard . Thanks to Prof Vilas Shah and Prof Mahadik , who, on our request had arranged this trip. The trip was  in conjunction with another course of government Officials. They were of senior cadre and were part of this for learning about the Hyderabad Metro. Before we could get to know them better their course is already getting over tomorrow. Most of them were the rank of finance secretary in their states.
Map of Metro
All along the way there were people posted to direct us to our destination. At the reception , after we were parked, we were led to the conference room where Mr Anil Saini was awaiting us . Mr Anil Saini is the head of railway systems of Hyderabad Metro. He seemed to be a man who knew his nuts and bolts and personally I and other course mates of mine were suitably impressed with him. He was earlier with reliance Infrastructure and before that he was with Indian Railways . What better man to look after Hyderabad Metro than Mr Saini who did a stint with Delhi Metro prior to moving to Hyderabad . We felt that L&T did well to put him in charge of operations. Post the niceties where Bouquets were presented we got down to the understanding this 73 km Metro line of Hyderabad and the work that went in putting it together . In spite of snacks on the table none of us were distracted from our speaker . The story about the metro which was a PPP project was quite fascinating . The amount of financing Rs 18375 crs was quite staggering . It was also notable for the short period it was being  completed in - not to mention the fact that it bagged the award for being the best engineering project in New York. Regardless of the statistics , by the end of the presentation it was clear that PPP was alive and functioning though with minor hiccups ...
OCC Theatre
Post briefing we were taken to the gallery from where we could view the OCC theatre . Mr Saini told us that the personnel employed were tested stringently for mental toughness and healthiness. He said that the ops room was the place that all trains were controlled from and there was a need for these persons to be on their toes all the time...
Our learning (we thought ) was complete . Many among us were busy storing the memories on their mobile phones. When in doubt - follow the crowds- I was also clicking away but only to boast to my immediate family that I had been to see the Metro in the  making. We were hugely mistaken about the learning being over because the next stop was the stable for the coaches. Delays notwithstanding the coaches were ready and rearing to be put on the track to servicing the people of Hyderabad . These coaches - Mr Saini told us were specially designed with pneumatic lifts to cater for the loads to ensure that they adjusted to the platforms to be on level with the platforms depending on the loads. Since the

Jagpal in the Train Servicing Shed
Sprawling  Area Of Metro Operations Area
 coaches  were not yet in use they were suitably mothballed with polythene covers. Maintenance of the coaches was done in huge sheds with facility of cranes to lift and turn them if required . The huge stables reminded me nostalgically of the huge hangars in the services where the                                                                      aircraft were serviced...
Prasad and GJ Rao at the Train
Finally came the part of the visit where we were going for a ride on the Metro. It was exciting for all of us whether it was the government officials , or my hardened colleagues or for that matter Ms Ashita Allamraju our faculty from ASCI. We were going to do something which not many people in Hyderabad had done - ride virgin trains of the Metro. As we headed out of the Hangar the huge area dedicated to the operation of metro was indeed breathtaking.As far as eye could see the area had countless number of coaches lined up the area. There was also a hub for the radio communication for the entire operations of the metro which dominated the area. For the sake of  the population the hope that the area will remain open without much buildings coming up is a fervent hope. From the stable we headed to the railway station . The platform was built on two levels one for the tickets and the upper story for the trains. The platform, as of now was spick and span . It was obvious that Mr Saini ran a tight ship and took lot of interest in all the aspects of the metro. One innovative feature that was really good about the Metro railway station was that it also provided a overbridge for the pedestrians who could cross over safely from one side of the station to the other side road without getting run over by the unpredictable traffic of Hyderabad. The journey in the train was very good . I for one saw Hyderabad from an angle that I had not seen it from before - the top. It seemed that the traffic below was scurrying along like many ants who were going to feed on a rotten carcass. The safety features incorporated in the trains was explained to us in great detail. We were convinced that the journey for the commuters was going to be free from safety issues.
Inside The Train
Every one of us had been on Metro in various states and countries but since this was a maiden journey of sorts it was really worth it . All too soon the journey got over. A few kilometres travelled and a wealth of experience gained is how I would like to sum up this first field trip that our course had - not counting the trip to new campus of ASCI to escape the administrative hassles. We parted from the staff of Metro with mutual expressions of goodwill and a lot of praise for the way the things were being done. Who said that we in India are lazy and unplanned in our approach to all things? I leave you with a few photographs which will I am sure encompass the trip to the Operations Hub of the Metro Hyderabad.

A Light Moment
Getting on to the Train
Metro Station Under Construction
Daytime Rush hour During Construction
Night View Of The Metro


  1. Quite a detailed account of the special occasion. Worth saving it for savouring in times to come...

  2. Memorable trip of a par excellent PPP of the worlds largest and most modern Metro. Highly impressed by the thorough professionalism of Mr. Anil Saini and his dedicated team. Hats off to Col Ravi for chronicling various events including this memorable event through the blog. GJ Rao
