Saturday 18 July 2015

Tale of Two Classes

 Prof Dasgupta's mind was preoccupied. Her programme , where she was the director was coming to an end. There was still a lot to do to round off the programme. Unfortunately she also had a class with the armed forces programme. Knowing how slow on the uptake the class was and how poor their retention she was in two minds whether to postpone the class and conduct it at a later date or whether she should go ahead and complete the class so that she was free of all encumbrances till the following Friday , when her next class came up. A vision of poor paper work during the last session rose before her eyes and she decided that she would complete the class no matter what ...She had a choice of going through the motions of of completing the allotted bit of syllabus or as was her wont conduct the class in a manner that the students understood. Her problem was that the age of the students varied from around 28 to 57 years. While the younger students were quick on the uptake the older ones took time. She had to strike a balance between the two extremes in the limited time that was available to her ....

After entering the class, her mind, which was in a turmoil over this dilemma , all of a sudden became calm and composed and she thought to herself that come what may she had to stand by her professionalism and ensure that  ensure that all understood about monetary and fiscal policy and how it affected the aggregate supply and demand . Her patience was monumental and she took care to go over all the aspects of monetary and fiscal policy , taking care to ensure that all the students were unanimous in affirming their comprehension . Suddenly the fact that another programme awaited her presence for her closure took a back seat. At the end of the class there was a feeling of satisfaction as she perceived the the dawn of understanding on the faces of her students. It was worth the delay caused by the slower lot amongst her students. She left the class secure in the knowledge that she  had done her job well.

We were also very happy at having cracked the theory of liquidity preference and how it affects the country's interest preference. In spite of it being thee first class  we were glad to exercise our brains to a good effect. The rest of the morning was devoted to the sorting out the people as per their efficiency in performance . The Director General kindly consented to conduct a joint session of the services and the senior managers class to educate us on this aspect. His confident and lucid delivery held us enthralled well into our lunch break . As much as the morning was busy the afternoon was  relatively less so- a perfect ending to the week and the beginning of the weekend....

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