Thursday 30 July 2015


We liked the work ethic of the staff of ASCI. They arrive in the morning , get to their duties, ensure that all things which are to be done behind the scenes are done so that the various courses which are running are not affected or disturbed and then, during the lunch break carry out a protest , walking in and around the campus shouting slogans about people and everything in general. While the strike is on, they also take care to ensure that the visiting students are not inconvenienced by leaving a skeleton staff to look after them. After generally making their presence felt , it is time to proceed for lunch. It is also pertinent to mention that negotiations have come to an impasse with neither the management nor the strikers giving in to the other . On a more sombre note we really did appreciate their ( the strikers' ) decision to be in mourning after the sudden demise of Shri Abdul Kalam.
After an hour of shouting the place down , they all trooped off for lunch. The method of protest was really novel and it was nice to know that there was no compromise on the work ethic. Only the slogans were not original. They were shouting for someone to go back ( they did not mention where the person was to go back). In an oblique reference to some one they were referring to a spoon. . 

A symposium on water and hygiene in schools was held for a day in the other class room.... GJ attended. His dissertation on suicide prevention is progressing well. Throughout the day under the diligent and expert supervision of Prof Shah ,we learnt the intricacies of project management. 
A funny thing about Prof Shah And Prof Mahadik.Prof Mahadik is from Maharashtra and stays in Gujarat. Prof Shah is from Gujarat and stays in Maharashtra... Who says that there is no integration of India ! 
We learnt to our dismay that in order to get any tangible results we hav to work equally hard putting in the raw data. Our desire to download the project management soft ware from the net proved equally frustrating and took an enormous amount of time. Today the senoir executive course is finishing . They will all proceed into the world after an infusion of wordly wisdom and theoretical wisdom gained from the instructors and staff at the ASCI . We wish them all the luck in all their endeavours and hope that they gain from the wisdom gleaned in the haloed halls of ASCI.

Joke of the Day:

Two secretaries of a Boss were talking about him:
First Sec: The boss dresses well:
Second Sec: Yeah - and Quickly too!

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