We the willing ,were being taught by the hesitant, about the things that we did not know and were ready to learn, from the dedicated instructors, some things that we did know and some we had a vague idea about and those which prior to this time were unknown and as difficult as chinese language and some we knew existed and were scared to tackle because of the implications and some which we wanted to learn and into which we dived as the diver into the cold unwelcoming waters of the arctic, to try and prepare for the life beyond... That we were few in numbers and of diverse ages and temperaments did not matter. The Motto " Bash on regardless ",was topmost both on the minds of the instructors and the students. In the past two months (almost) - they taught and we learnt.
One such new class was that of human resources. As the two days flowed seamlessly into one another with present future and the past playing a big part in the scheme of things we started drawing parallels with what we have been doing all life long. They downsize- we post out. They take feedback on working conditions -we also do the same. They have to learn to trust and so do we- the simple saying that one cannot be at all the places at all the times has to be borne in mind. Our planning is all the year round an so is there's... They do mid course corrections and if need be so do we. They interview people all the time and so do we - whether it be for leave , performance counselling, appraisal reports or simply to check what is on . they give presentations so do we. they work on primary and secondary jobs - and at times on third and fourth jobs , we do it al the time..
The difference is we work with the resources in hand - and anything unpalatable is unceremoniously kicked out by them . They do not give much credence to loyalty whereas loyalty is of great importance as far as we are concerned. Honesty is the best policy for both of us. Reluctance to do a job is not part of our lexicon. We do not have a choice of jumping the ship. Responsibility to the job is a must for both - or - maybe not...
And that is why we are a special event at the ASCI. Added to the fact that we were doing a course at this institution for the first time and that too for a long period of almost 6months we were bound to be special. We are indeed special in many ways .
A feedback from the course which I thought was logical was about the name of the course. It has been named : Business management course for the armed forces personnel"; The course wants it to be named - " ARMSASCI BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSE (AABMC-I) . Has more tang to it - It also rolls off the tongue easily The roman I is for the serial of the course.
The instructor stressed on routine today- " Things are easy to do if a routine is established" he said. We counter by saying that all our life we are more or less following routine to stay afloat. But within the set routine we make it interesting by following a different routine every day. All the more necessary because otherwise by following a single routine everyday one tends to vegetate...Good thought provoking lecture by Prof Sharma to round off another mid week class....
One such new class was that of human resources. As the two days flowed seamlessly into one another with present future and the past playing a big part in the scheme of things we started drawing parallels with what we have been doing all life long. They downsize- we post out. They take feedback on working conditions -we also do the same. They have to learn to trust and so do we- the simple saying that one cannot be at all the places at all the times has to be borne in mind. Our planning is all the year round an so is there's... They do mid course corrections and if need be so do we. They interview people all the time and so do we - whether it be for leave , performance counselling, appraisal reports or simply to check what is on . they give presentations so do we. they work on primary and secondary jobs - and at times on third and fourth jobs , we do it al the time..
The difference is we work with the resources in hand - and anything unpalatable is unceremoniously kicked out by them . They do not give much credence to loyalty whereas loyalty is of great importance as far as we are concerned. Honesty is the best policy for both of us. Reluctance to do a job is not part of our lexicon. We do not have a choice of jumping the ship. Responsibility to the job is a must for both - or - maybe not...
And that is why we are a special event at the ASCI. Added to the fact that we were doing a course at this institution for the first time and that too for a long period of almost 6months we were bound to be special. We are indeed special in many ways .
A feedback from the course which I thought was logical was about the name of the course. It has been named : Business management course for the armed forces personnel"; The course wants it to be named - " ARMSASCI BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSE (AABMC-I) . Has more tang to it - It also rolls off the tongue easily The roman I is for the serial of the course.
The instructor stressed on routine today- " Things are easy to do if a routine is established" he said. We counter by saying that all our life we are more or less following routine to stay afloat. But within the set routine we make it interesting by following a different routine every day. All the more necessary because otherwise by following a single routine everyday one tends to vegetate...Good thought provoking lecture by Prof Sharma to round off another mid week class....
ARMASCI compliments Col Ravi for his perseverance and steam in penning down daily blogs despite domestic commitments. Sir, Keep it up.