Wednesday 1 July 2015

Sandhya;s Wellness Centre

Jul 01

It has gone all wrong from the word go today. Neha my boss is gunning for me . Last time just before my presentation she told me to do away with the earrings. I took a calculated risk and disobeyed her. That the presentation on the marketing of sandhya’s wellness centre went off well is no reason for her to forget my intransigence. I fear for my job . what are my friends going to say when they come to know that I have been eased out of my job? Neha came to the office in a bad mood; That she was unwell  boded ill for all concerned . No amount of diligent market survey to identify the market and thereafter target the correct segment to sell the item under consideration was going to save me from her wrath.

The problem with Neha was that she spent too much time on her phone to develop any meaningful interpersonal relationships with us drones. I' m experiencing an extreme stress related disorder – who says that post traumatic disorder effects only people who fight the enemy?- It is a common complaint even among us marketers . The stakes are very high and by the end of each day we permit ourselves to breath a sigh of relief  that the day has passed without any untoward incident. Good performance and job retention are heterogeneous. If one does not do well , then one is likely to be given the boot and lose ones' livelihood.

The test marketing of  of the psychological services offered by Sandhya’s wellness center  has showed promise. People from all walks of life with personal problems are crawling out of the woodwork to give this promising service a chance to improve ones’ state of mind and improve their lot  in this world where dog eats dog. Forget the 'soft launch'. There are people out there who need succor. The promise of confidentiality- which was promoted strenuously- seems to be reaping dividends. The time has come to try out their services myself. Maybe it will help me alleviate my stress at work and help me handle the invisible tension between me and neha (all because I decided to wear the ear rings) with equanimity. If it does work out for me I will be sure to recommend it to neha so that she learns to manage her time better and handle the obduracy of her subordinates with aplomb.

Failing which I shall have to appeal to her rationality and maybe ingratiate myself into her good books. I have decided that her pressure tactics have to be firmly dealt with. In the end it looks like I have to personally appeal to her sense of justice.and hope her leadership qualities take over....

Two classes today, one by Prof Malini reddy – on marketing which- as has become the Habit in ASCI- been  dealt with skillfully and with a lot of panache and an inimitable fashion - and the other by Prof Subashini – who in her own soft and cheerful manner,  guided us through the intricacies of leadership. At the rate at which we are learning there is no saying how proficiently  we will be educated by the end of the course….

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