Jul 22
I was feeling like a mother who sometimes feels at her wits' end when trying to feed her offspring. It is indeed difficult for her to conjure new dishes each day and in the process gain approval of her progeny. How does she keep her children's attention everyday ? She whips up new dishes every day from the available resources and manages to keep her children healthy and happy. I thought that I might have to work hard at keeping the blog interesting - A change -much like going to a restaurant once in a while to break the monotony of home cooking was required . Help came from the most unexpected and the most qualified direction. During the tea break I happened to mention to Prof Bagchi and Prof Mahadik the need for their intervention. To my surprise Prof Mahadik readily agreed to my request to pen a few thoughts for the blog.In spite of his young age he is highly qualified , having done PGDM from Ahmedabad and M Tech from IIT Mumbai and worked in a gaggle of Fortune 500 companies. We are indeed fortunate that he decided to undertake this task . And the subject of his discussion was - Anyhow why spoil it for you ? please read on..

With program structure and design broadly ready when I walked in, it was a cake walk for me. My colleagues help and co-operation was also of great help.
The challenge thereafter of course was to face a class that had walked the face of Earth for a decade longer on an average. How does one match their experience, in some cases more than my age? To fulfill a long cherished dream, I decided to treat it as a war, albeit a metaphorical one. I built some trenches using financial jargon and formulae and managed to hide behind. Whenever there was an attack from behind enemy lines, I used the ammo of numbers. Numbers that drive businesses !!
Intellectual and articulative blend of Col Ravi's intro and Prof Mahadik's management jargon dovetailed with Military jargon is amazing. GJ Rao