Thursday, 23 July 2015


Everyday one of us by turn forgoes exercise in the morning or wakes up early cleans the car and reaches the rendezvous early to pick up the other three to proceed to ASCI to attend the classes. It was our way of reducing the burden on the overpolluted atmosphere of Hyderabad. Todaywas no exception. Only we found that while crossing the tank bund via the necklace road we had plenty of time on hand and so decided to pose for the photograph on the tank bund. It was also our way of reminding ourselves that we were slowly winding down on one career and starting another where we hoped that we would have more time on hand. To the left of where we were standing on the banks of tank bund we found a couple hiding fromthe prying eyes and kissing away in the bushes. AT 0830H in the Morning? give me a break . There were better things to be done in the morning than that -surely... What was hyderabad coming to? 
Today as on last thursday we were studying Project Management. With all the pitfalls and there being many a slip between the cup and lip we discovered that no matter how good the planning for execution of a project there were bound to be delays due to unforeseen circumstances. A ptoject manager - we learnt - had either to be a conjurer or had to be so thorough in his job that he was capable of plugging all the loopholes to ensure smooth execution of the plan. Till now we thought that the most difficult job was marketing . Now we know otherwise , The most highly strung person in the whole business of management was the project manager who I am sure had to consume a whole lot of antacids to ensure that his ulcers did not act up. Our Prof Shah proved why he was a good manager of projects , as he executed the project of educating us on this facet of business management with thoroughness and elan. His ability to get to the nub of the problem was commendable and nothing short of miraculous as he completed the task allotted in time without eating into the buffer on either side of the network diagram. In spite of this by the end of the class we were thoroughly saturated knowledge of the hithertofore unknown.
During lunch we visited the canteen of the employees where the delicious smell of biriyani almost persuaded us to go in for a second meal..
For the second day in running the board of directors was in conference discussing things that we are not privy to - though we did see Prof Bagchi and Prof Chandrasekhar going in to present a paper on something. A around 1030h there was the inauguration of the photo gallery by Mr Narendra Luther. If I remember right he was the municipal commissioner of Hyderabad when I was a mere lad in my teens. He is responsible for clearing a lot of muck all around Hyderabad and also widening of the roads around the city. I really enjoyed reading his book on Hyderabad. For all those who arre interested he also has written a blog on Hyderabad and other subjects including some poems. It is worth a read... 
Dr Ramu did a splendid job of setting up the photo gallery in record time...


  1. Good to see the ARMSASCI blog getting comprehensive and expanding in its scope much beyond the class room experience i.e, covering a glimpse of Tank bund, inauguration of the photo gallery, recollecting with nostalgia the unique contribution of Mr Narendra Luther, visiting the Staff canteen and finding the quality of food delicious there as well. The blog is worth reading by all the officials and participants of ASCI for it portrays the ASCI in a better light and different perspective as perceived by ARMSASCI. G.J. Rao

  2. Just an add-on. Credit too goes to the wandering private security guy who, with a little bit of training and coaching, could click the photograph. Wonder what he was securing...
