Friday 7 August 2015


Activity in the Class
AUG 07

     The formalities were nearing completion. The day started with the class congregating for one last time in CRIII. Yesterday I mentioned how we were on the day previous to the last we finally started mixing with each other. The final day dawned bright and sunny. If there was a blot on the horizon, it was that Jaggu Dada was missing in the first half attending to aspects of life which are beyond our control. Prof Mubeen Rafat came to the class and quite uncharacteristically she was quite -waiting for us to complete reading the fiasco that was about the metro line between the New Delhi Railway station and the airport and how it was set up on the Public - Private - Partnership and how this model failed to live up to its expectations. After reading the case and analysing it ( Prof Mubeen was in her element by his time) We concluded that while it was okay for the private parties to be in the partnership for profit , it also was clear that like the rats deserting the drowning ship they left DMRC holding the baby at the first sign of trouble.

Some More Activity in the Class

 An interesting case study which can easily be converted into a Block Buster - Keep a tight story line, add a few songs like ' Saathi Haath Badhaana , Main tera hero and a song about Maa thrown in for a good measure, a few emotional scenes for the sentimental among the audience , And of course a few fights with a lot of blood and gore - You had a huge block Buster on Hand ... If you could Rope in Amitabh for the role of Sreedharan - who knows - the box office earnings could go through the roof. Not to talk about Priyanka Chopra talking about cost over runs and girders and standard gauge... I mean - the mind boggles about the possibilities. ..

      All along there was an underlying pathos in the class . The bankers and Government officials after a week of travails at the new campus and pleasant memories of the majestic Main campus equally fresh in their minds were proceeding back to their places of routine and (Probably ) unexciting -I hope not- existence. It was time to say good bye . This was fast forwarded by Prof Mahadik holding that it was better to conclude the proceedings by carrying out the presentations earlier than planned . The presentations in themselves were quite interesting , in that they dealt with the daily dealings of our friends while doing their jobs. One presentation by the group lead by Mr Mayur Somani dealt with the solar generation of electricity at Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh - a well compiled and lucidly enumerated presentation which was well received by all; The second presentation was by  Ms Kirti shettygar also from the union Bank which dealt with converting a road from solapur to Dhule from two lane to four lane . The only drawback being that they did not cater for the alternate routes for the clientele while the road was under conversion. The girl is a bright spark and we shall certainly watch her future progress with interest...

    The last presentation was about how to prevent a mosquito from making a eunuch of a man - Remember that dialogue by Nana Patekar where he says " Ek Machhar aadmi ko >>>>bana deta hai? It was precisely to prevent such a happenstance that the innovation by the group led by Mr Nitish talked about. It was a cost effective and easy way to prevent neutering the male gender and ensuring that cows gave more milk . The presentation was laced with humour and actual facts and was well received by all of us. In too short a while it was time for the feedback and other formalities. Having spent time here at ASCI there was a running joke among the ARMSASCI officers that food was best (not that it was bad on other days) on Mondays - when the new course came in and on fridays - when it was time for feed back....
Prof Sachindra
     A few take aways for the departing officials would be I suppose the Lecture by Prof Sachindra , prof Rabat and the ever present Prof Mahadik of course we hope that they learnt camaraderie and friendship from us . We for our part learnt efficiency and that it is good to interact with people once in a while to break the monotony of our existence.
Gp Capt Rao Mr SAnoop Mr Sreekumar Mr Ashok Kumar Mr Nitish Kumar Col Ravindra MsKIrti Col Jagpal Prof Mahadik MrVinay Kumar Lt Cdr Himanshu Col Sivaram Sqn Ldr Sandhya Mr Mayur  Mr Aggarwal Col Banerjee
Formalities Concluded - Preparing to Leave
     SAYANORA Mr Nitish Mr Vinay Mr Kumhar Mr Mayur Mr Anoop Mr Sreekumar and our indomitable Mr Aggarwal and Ms Kirti - we hope you carry pleasant memories of Hyderabad and tell your children how you spent a week with the irascible people from the services..   


  1. It was indeed our pleasure to attend this training session with armed forces people and one thing for sure will cherish these memories forever. Our programme was an ordinary one but the combination with you guys made it extra ordinary. Yes, I will proudly share this experience with all....Lastly thanks a lot to the whole group for making us comfortable there. Keep rocking guys and all the very best in your future endeavors. Wishing you and your family good luck and healthy life ahead.

  2. Thanks Kirti for joining our Whatsup group and for your good words in the comments of blog about our association. We too wish you all guys to rock, be healthy,happy and to prosper professionally. GJ Rao

  3. Thanks to every participant of the programme to make boring classes a pleasant , memorable and comfortable at hyderabad. Combination of Armed forces guys is a new and unique experience from our routine project apptaisal. Thanks you all for msking this programme ever lasting memories. I wish you all a prosperous ,happy and healthy life ahead with your families.
    Vinay Kumar

  4. Learning and Sharing experience was great with armed forces people. ARMS ASCI rocks!! Jai Hind..Jai Jawan..
