Thursday 16 July 2015

Bula Yadra (Hello Good Morning)

Jul 17
For the past two weeks we have been sharing space at the ASCI with another long(?) course - the Senior Management course. A majority of the students in the course were from foreign countries like Bhutan , some african countries and eastern countries like indonesia. But the person who stood out with an ever smiling visage and cheerfulness which was contagious to all people in the sphere of hher influence was Salanieta Rauwale Radaniva . Salanieta was from Fiji. She impressed us right from the beginnin. And the desire to know more about this charming person was becoming stronger by the day. Jaggu came up with the idea of inter viewing her and I was all enthusiasm to go ahead . We set up an interview during the lunch Break. 
But first things first. Fiji is an archipelago of more than 332 islands, of which 110 are permanently inhabited,Fiji has one of the most developed economies in the Pacific due to an abundance of forest, mineral, and fish resources.Fiji's culture is a rich mosaic of indigenous Fijian, Indo-Fijian, Asian and European traditions, comprising social polity, language, food (coming mainly from the sea, plus casava, dalo (taro) and other vegetables), costume, belief systems, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance, and sports. While indigenous Fijian culture and traditions are very vibrant and are integral components of everyday life for the majority of Fiji's population, Fijian society has evolved over the past century with the introduction of traditions such as Indian and Chinese as well as significant influences from Europe and Fiji's Pacific neighbours, particularly Tonga and Samoa. Thus, the various cultures of Fiji have come together to create a unique multicultural national identity.

The setting was the class room as it was with all other interviews we had conducted. After the customary greetings which is the norm with all civilized people we settled down to have a freewheeling conversation with Salanieata. 
Jaggu - Although we have been meeting every day this is the first time we have met formally. I am curious as to what route you followed to reach India.
Salanieta- Oh it was a long and tedious journey. But since I was going to a new place I was excited. I flew from Nadi international Airport in Fiji to Seoul to Mumbai and from there to Hyderabad. The journey involved 34 hours of continuous travel !
MR-  What is your job description in your country?
Salienieta- I am in the police. I have been in the police for about 23 years.
Jaggu (Interjecting) - That is quite impressive. What is it that you do exactly?
Salanieta- (Smiling) - I am dealing mostly with matters relating to matters related with national.
Jaggu - Can you tell us about your 23 year Journey in the Police Force?
Salanieta - I joined the force at 18 years of age after completing my schooling. I did so well that due to my good work I was promoted directly to a sergeant , then to an Inspector and at present I am the assistant superintendent of police. Of course maintenance of law and order play a big role in my job also.
MR- We are really impressed with your determination to do well. Can you tell us something about your personal life.
Salanieta - Nothing much to say. I got married in 1990. My husband is also serving on the police force in Fiji. Life has been good and we are proud parents of seven children.
Jaggu- And how old are your children?
Salianieta- (With a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke of her children) Oh they are between the ages of 5 -17. Two of my offspring are boys. They are all at the moment at various stages of schooling. I suppose they are enjoying it.
MR - (Changing Tack) - How do you rate your stay in India. What are your experiences here?
Salanieta - My experiences are good. I Like travelling a lot and though I have not travelled much I am enjoying myself here. 
Jaggu- How do you rate ASCI? You have been here for two weeks. I am sure that you have formed some opinion...
Salanieta - Yes . I can say with conviction that the environment here at the ASCI has been extremely good. Away from home I have plenty of time at hand. I have already done a course on management earlier in Fiji. The course here has further enhanced my knowledge.
MR - and...? 
Salanieta- The classes of one and a half hour are a bit long. However if the topic is exciting then it is fun and one forgets the time. 
Jaggu - Although it is premature - any special instructors?
Salanieta - Mr Sachendra , whose  classes are lively as are his deliberations. Another favourite instructor of mine is MR Vishwanatham. In his classes we can relate to real life experiences his sense of humour is good as is his timing.  
MR- Can you tell us something more about yourself?
Salanieta - I am a methodist and was born on 30th of october. While here at hyderabad I visited the Ramoji film studio and the Golconda. The cuisine here is somewhat similar to that at Fiji so you can say that I am not home sick.
Jaggu- Did you see any Indian Movies?
Salanieta- Alas no -though I did see the light and sound show at Golconda went to the GVK Mall .
MR- What are your most enduring memories?
Salanieta- ( Smiling) - People , culture , traditions , friendship - right from the kitchen to the classroom and of course the food....
Jaggu - Thank you for sparing your time and we hope that you enjoy the rest of the course...
With this we ended the interview with this soft spoken and extremely articulate lady...and parted on mutually good terms..


  1. Very nice interview. Good that our AFP participants are reaching out to other participants on campus.
    I read your blog regularly. I must compliment you on your lucid style of writing.

    1. Thank you for your comments . The comments are kind and heartening
