Tuesday 29 September 2015

Work Out

Many people that I meet often ask me about various ways to stay fit. When I tell them that any regime in fitness is achieved by hard work some of them change the subject. The others venture a step further and  probe the fitness mantra. I tell them that while they are on the right track, by deciding to stay fit , it is not always about exercise only. At this age it has to be a combination of both exercise and dieting. Some more of the remaining people walk out when it meant controlling their diet. The balance of the people - some had back ache which can be alleviated by doing the simple exercises shown here. These exercises , incidentally , can be done sitting in a chair also . They are so simple that you can do them any time of the day. They will definitely alleviate the back pain. The other exercises shown on top are for improving the musculature and reducing the flab both on anterior and posterior parts of the body.Any one who is looking for a quick fix in the weight department - let me assure you - there is no quick fix. Firstly you have to be sure that you want to reduce. Then you have to work on your diet. Meeting a dietitian for fixing your diet may be a good idea. Remember the dietitian can only tell you what to eat. Putting it into practice is entirely your own doing and one has to be patient . Regular walking will be a good way to help you reduce your weight. 
To kick start your campaign one of the tried and proven methods is adopting the general motors diet. This diet helps one in initially to lose three or four kgs from where one can build up on further reducing weight. To know more about GM diet it is advised to google it . A complete schedule is available on the net. No exercise in isolation will help. A combination of walk and stretching exercises will be very beneficial . It is recommended that surya namaskar is very effective not only in reducing weight, but also in improving the muscle tone and help in reducing various blood related ailments. More information can be got from www.ijcep,org 
A pictorial representation can be seen from the above figure. If you have any chronic ailments it is always better to consult a doctor before starting of on any exercise regime. Don't say I did not warn you !
Certain basic rules to be kept in mind for working out. Do exercise on an empty stomach. Set timing, if you cannot set timing then ensure you work out once a day at a time convenient to you- wit four hour gap between meals and workout. Remember there is always time it is only that one should have the inclination to use the time available in the best possible manner. Do not over stress on work out . if you are not feeling well consult a doctor, Give a day's break in the week. Do not avoid any food . Eat everything in small quantities - this applies to beverages also. New fangled diets do not work over long periods. If possible vary the type of work out you do once in two to three days.
Classes are going on at a much less frenetic pace . There is  reduced activity. It is happening  - but at a normal man's pace. Today's lecture was by Prof Vilas shah. We played an interesting game which at the beginning looked more like speculation then like anything scientific. But as we progressed through the day it was amply proved by Prof Shah that nothing was speculation. It all followed a pattern and it was for us  recognise the pattern so that we could maximise our profits. The lesson was brought home in a very effective manner through the medium of the game. Tomorrow promises to be an interesting day with a field trip planned...
Award of the Day
Goes to GJ Rao for having his suicide prevention project accepted by the Andhra Pradesh Government - You will remember that earlier he had successfully got it implemented by the Telangana Government - Congratulations.

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