Vishakapatnam |
Khairatabad |
By this time the relatives and friends trickled in to partake in the festivities. Latest by about 1'0' clock all loose ends would have been tied up, the debris of the feast cleared after the ladies of the house had finished - they always used to eat after the men. A sensible method as one could eat in peace. Should be followed even now... The evening was devoted in visiting others residences and and propitiating Lord Ganesha by holding ones ears and begging God for forgiveness for all perceived acts of sin. Since there was no TV it was also a good opportunity to socialize. Almost everyone knew everyone else. Indigestion at the end of the day was norm..No Tv no unnecessary news ....
By about the third day huge processions from all over the city started for immersing the idols in Hussain sagar. Happy drunk people dancing to the tune of the beats and shouting on the top of their voices formed part of the procession. Directors of movies along with top choreographers kept a sharp eye on the processions to learn new steps to introduce in their movies. Women in their right mind of course kept off the streets. Once in a while these processions also resulted in religious riots. But that was all a part of the game...
Of late the Festival has become more pretentious. Nowadays it is all about politics and competition and tremendous amount of money is spent on the idols and the processions. It is now about "Mine is Bigger than yours"....At home all has changed. We now employ a priest or the you tube for the method of conducting the Ganesha Pooja .I leave you with a few photos of Ganesha chathurthi being celebrated around the city
Lord Ganesha would bless Col Ravi for portraying the festival from historical perspective to the current generation trend and the Lord would also bless all of us for reading the blog. The tell-tale narration is so vivid that we experience all the incidents in the narration vicariously. God bless the whole Universe. GJ Rao