Monday 28 September 2015


Today the professor who was to take the class took ill. So we were at a loose end. But as they say - It is all for the good. Don't get me wrong. we wish the professor a speedy recovery and at the same time we assure her that we missed her sparkling wit , patience in handling a class full of recalcitrant people and her ability to turn the class in to a learning citadel with role plays and other practical methods of teaching employed by her. We hope to see her back on her feet at the earliest.

The free time gave us time to concentrate on the all important brochure which has been hanging fire for some time. As prof Bagchi brought out during our interactions - it is a passport to get interviews and the presentation has to be good and purposeful. My friend Vishwanath in spite of ill health- the virus strikes again - put his top staff to work on the brochure. They did sterling work and produced a good brochure. But sometimes I wonder whether what we have said in the brochure adequately covers everything about us? It is a thing that we will probably solve only when we meet someone who can look at us objectively and tell us our strengths and(?) weaknesses.

Over the past few months I have interacted with the course participants and have learnt a lot about them - what are their strengths, weaknesses , what makes them tick and what irritates them how they would behave in an emergency, what are their food preferences, about activity that they were constrained from mentioning in the brochure, their work ethic, family life , children, dress preferences interaction with their colleagues , how they react to seniors , ego, impetuosity, cars they prefer and level of intelligence, adaptability, health, exercises, punctuality , obedience. temper and a whole lot of other features that have not been written in the brochure. All these things I suppose will matter when we turn up for interviews.

I can say with courage of conviction that all the qualities will be in the positive . Moreover I also leave this as a teaser for all all those who have interacted with us and leave a photo to refresh your memories as to the participants....  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Qualities to have been aptly portrayed. GJ Rao
