Tuesday 15 September 2015


Sep 15
Log Entry #72
There is a calm at sea which we have never seen before. Experience has shown that it is always calm before a storm. We have been sailing turbulent seas for the past 14 weeks . Our interaction with the locals at all the ports has been fruitful.On this particular port the natives have been very friendly and informative. They have taken pains to explain to us the intricacies of their customs and traditions. This was the  first port of halt  where the natives welcomed us with lot of courtesy but were disappointed by our small numbers. They had the predatory looks of people deprived of potential food. 
Our ships were scuttled and were stuck in the port for the next 6 months at least. Slowly we are coming to terms with our incarceration. If anything the natives have in addition to teaching us have been very hospitable. They have been feeding us well.... The reason for this is probably to fatten us for the jobs in the offing .

Date 15 Sep 2015 Weather  wind at 11km/h78%Humidity Tuesday 2217h 17.3700deg N 78.4800deg E The natives in addition to feeding us exotic food are also forcefully teaching us things which we feel might be useful to us in the near future .  How useful will be determined by the need to put these teachings in practice in near future. We do not know what will happen . Banjo is on a trip of his own , Perumal has been removed from the daily happenings for sometime now. Rumour has it that he has been taken away to a far off hospital to be ' Reprogrammed'. since his return he has been acting "normally". But there is a marked change in the way the natives have beeen behaving with him- they have been agreeing with everything that he says and does.Jaggu has been the leader. Always plotting as to how to escape from the clutches of the natives. He has tasked Sivaram to cycle all round the area of interest to find ways and means of escape. Only recently Sivaram has done over eight hundred or more kilometers to check out our routes of escape. 
GJ Rao has been teaching the natives as to how to overcome their desire to overcome their death wish. In the process he has been successful in befriending the top echelon of leadership.

 we see no real hope of getting out for another few months . But there is no dearth of trying. Today we were introduced by the locals to a new level of torture. The threat to use calculus and six sigma are real and the only way to alleviate the extreme pain is to go along with the natives and learn their ways so that we do not feel the pain, The report by Sivaram has been encouraging. His trip has indicated the various ways we can get away from all the this safely, The date for trial escape by Sivaram is set . It is Nov  01. Right from the beginning we had decided that it is better to escape one by one , The next person who is scheduled to move away is Sandhya. All that in near future . The last to escape will be GJ Rao . He has decided that his lot is tied up with the natives. His yeoman work in alleviating the lot of the local people will help him in settling into the life here in this location. Jaggu and Banjo have decided to make a break for it together. They think that their team work over a period of time will help them in overcoming any odds that might come their way. The one person who will escape by the sea route will be Himanshu. He plans to make a lie for himself on the foreign shores. ....
God only knows what they have in store for us . It is hopeless ,and at the same time challenging. See you soon....


  1. What an uncanny and articulative marriage of reality with fantasy. Notwithstanding the the uncertainity of the future, We are enjoying the "present" with wish mongering and wishful thinking. Hope our wishes will come true. GJ Rao

  2. Somethings appear to be in greek and latin, and for once, this blog appears to be precisely that. All my attempts to decode/decipher, call it any, have abysmally failed. Then this enlightenment happened and I understood this was the preserve of only few brilliant brains, the armsascians.
