Sunday 27 September 2015

Back To The Future V

Moto Gp Riders Schedule
It  was in Indianapolis that I met with Jagpal Sir.He was a changed man. Ten years had elapsed since we did that course at ASCI. I had gone there to meet my son who had settled in Chicago. On my expressing interest in viewing the Moto GP my son took me to Indianapolis. This had been the venue for Moto Gp since 2008. I was still soaking in the atmosphere when there was a shout from behind somewhere. " Oi Siva" shouted someone. It lighted up the memory bulb and even before I turned I knew that it was Jagpal. And what a change! He had grown a mustache and looked a lot younger. The years did not mellow him down. Astoundingly he looked very spry and handsome. My day was made. It was with joy that I returned his greeting. Many questions popped up in my mind and they found expression immediately as soon as we could make ourselves heard over the roar of the motorcycles and the excited hubbub of the crowd which was patiently waiting for the race to begin. " Let us go to the lounge where it is quieter and we can watch the race also uninterrupted " said Jagpal. I was suitably impressed but did not say any thing till we were in the lounge. As I read the programme sheet I saw that the American was at the pole position . As I ran my eyes down I saw a familiar name- Rithwick Sulgay. Suddenly everything became clear - or at least a part of it - the part about our access to the VIP Lounge. The other questions remained however. Jagpal put up his hands laughing. " Let us first finish the race and then I will answer your questions " he Said. The next forty five minutes passed in a blur of speed, daredevilry and skill exhibited by these young riders of the two wheelers. The mobikes were more powerful and difficult to handle. But these boys did it with ease. Rithwick came in at 9th position and his dad was reasonably pleased. Jagpal then told me the whole story since we left ASCI in 2015. Over to him....
Jagpal 2025
" I had no doubt in my mind that I would continue in the services after retirement" he said. After Feb 2016, I was posted to Andaman And Nicobar Islands and subsequently moved back to Hyderabad. You will remember how my son was stuck on acquiring the KTM motorcycle at that time and how I had to give in to him and buy the damn thing. Initially I was worried but other than cautioning him I did not interfere with him , trusting his sound sense of safety. How was I to know that this purchase was to change his life forever and mine in the process? He started racing on the sly , knowing fully well that I would object if I came to know about it. Anyway it was not to remain a secret for long - when one of my course mates posted in Chennai called to congratulate me on my son's performance in the Solavaram races . Naturally I blew my top on reaching home that day. But my wife with irrefutable logic made me see reason. Women have this way of pouring oil over troubled waters you see... Any way by the time he came back from his degree course from Chennai for vacation, things had suitably cooled down for us to have a reasonable dialogue. I saw that it would be better to support him in his endeavour to achieve something in life (motor bike racing) rather than becoming an obstacle for him. Once that was over and done with I was totally into bike racing - reading up literature, meeting people who could advise both me and my son and working on the strategy to propel him to higher things in the sport - namely Moto GP. Soon I knew more about all the aspects of the sport than my son , with out having ever riding a motor bike in competition .
The biggest problem of course was the sponsorship. Here the lessons in business management learnt at ASCI came in very handy. I had to work hard but when people saw that I had a winner on my hands, support started coming in - first in a trickle and soon in a deluge. A reputed tyre company which supported  the icon of cricket joined the band wagon of sponsors for my son. Money started pouring in . I took up the full time job of managing my son - on his insistence of course. South Africa Spain, Istanbul , Italy, UK, Malaysia- I have been every where. Valentino Rossi, Giacomo Agostini Casey stoner, Michael Doohan, Marc Marquez, Jorge Lorenzo- I have met them all, and they have nothing but a good word for my kid. If you stay long enough I will introduce you to them" Said Jagpal.
But this was not to be . My grand children were baying for my blood- it was feeding time - for once I felt that it was difficult enough bringing up their father - God why are you doing this to me all over again? But better sense prevailed and promising Jagpal that I would take him up on his offer in the near future I left him haggling with the advertisers on his son's remuneration for the   next Boost commercial in India....


  1. Great gazing into the future! Hope it doesn't provide unwarranted impetus and impulsive premature ideas to the boy at this point of time. Supervised meticulous coaching can do wonders though. Of course, with even more stringent schedule of training... Dad needs to take a call.

  2. Jagpal JI! How are you? Hope you remember me. I am Ramani. We met at ASCI.

    Anyways. My best and best wishes to all for bright and healthy future.
