Thursday 19 November 2015

Round Up I

Email from Col IM Bright to ARMASCI:
I like the name ARMSASCI. It is brief ,pithy, eye catching and self explanatory. Since I am due for retirement in 2017 January, I intend doing this course from ASCI. Can you give me an insiight into the course? It would be extremely helpful in evaluating my chances of getting a job after this course. Your kind help will be very useful.
Reply from ARMSASCI:
We are in receipt of your missive. We would strongly recommend that you read our blog this gives you the complete picture of the course. However your request is noted and since you are serious about the course we would like to add a few things which would be of assistance. However it would be more fruitful if you come into the chat room aftr you have read the blog so that we can tackle specific issues as you deem fit to address to us which we can tackl in a more meaningful and logical manner.

A few days later on google chat....
IM : I read the blog . The blog more or less covers it all . But I am puzzled. If everything is as good as portrayed then all is good . I feel that some things have been left unsaid...
AA (ARMSASCI): You are right and wrong. Right in the sense that some things have been left unsaid and wrong in the sense that all has been said..
IM : Okay let me start at the beginning. You were detailed for the course ,you paid up - how was the reception?
AA: Mostly all of us were from the local area and so we were staying home. The problem arose for those who were not locals. You are aware that messes do not have the capacity to spare a room for outsiders for more than 10 days at the max there was no provision for accommodation at ASCI. At the IIMs they provide accommodation for the entire duration of six months.
IM: Did you receive a detailed programme for the course durtion?
AA: No we did not receive a complete programme. In fact it was made available to us in part at the opening lecture. And even then the schedule was not available.
IM: What do you mean?
AA: Well the weekly pgme as to which class would be conducted when was not given. Most of the time we were made aware which class was on only after we reached the class. A structured programme was not made available. Finally on our insistence we were given the programme three days prior to the next week.
IM: May i request you to take me through the course - subjectwise and daily routine wise?
AA: Let me see . The first day we all gathered in the conference room no 1> Lot of lectures and we were made to feel at home. I do not think the ASCI people realised that they would be having us for six months. Post lunch we had ASCI Darshan and broke off for the day. From the next day the classes started at 0900H. Each class was for one and a half hours -
IM : One and a half hours!
AA : Our reaction exactly. We said that the classes have to be of forty minutes each with five min break in between. Of course the instructors were very accommodating in this respect. As the time passed by our stamina built up and we did not interrupt the instructors during the class for a break.
IM: What all did they teach you?
AA: They taught us the following subjects. Macro and Micro economics - We had really good instructors in Profs Paramita Das (She is a superb instructor who brought all her experience into play in explaining economics to us and more important she was very patient with us) Ashita Allamraju (who was always smiling while clarifying our most basic doubts) and Sutanuka who had a brain like a steel trap. Finance by Prof Mubeen Rafat ( An excellent teacher who helped us overcome the fear of finances. I can proudly say that we can look a balance sheet and a financial statement in the eye without fear and ignorance) Prof Mahadik supplemented her teaching and he was ever present to solve all our other problems, Marketing taught by Prof Shahaida. Initially she was wary of us and we were of her but over a period of time we got along really well with her thanks to her excellent quality of teaching us. The we had Prof Malini Reddy. Her method of instruction was more informal although she did get us to do what she set out to achieve by making us work at various case studies and one or two field trips. Then we had classes on project management with prof Vilas Shah. Again an excellent instructor with an equable temperament. He ground us till we understood what he had to say in the class. We also had Prof Sachendra who taught us project Management in continuation along with logistic Management and supply chain Management. His method of instruction was patient and good. We had classes on operations management by prof Sachendra and business research methods by Prof Raj Kiran Bilolikar ( an extremely knowledgeable instructor whose specialty was in the power sector).
IM: Wait a minute - are you telling me that all the instructors were good?
AA: Yes that is what I am saying - only thing is sometimes thay had a difficulty in adjusting to our basic learning capability.
IM: Is that all or were there more subjects?
AA: There are plenty more. Only it is late now I will continue tomorrow.
IM : Yes but -
AA: No more buts now Your buts are becoming a pain we will continue tomorrow....

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