Sunday, 29 November 2015

A Sea Tale

29 Nov

Captain Ramakrishnan's (Merchant Navy) eyes clouded over . He had that far off look on his face. Earlier in the day I had invited him over for drinks at my place. Capt Ramakrishnan is my neighbour. We got acquainted over a period of time and after sometime we became friends. One day my wife was out of town and I decided that it was time to get to know him better. Initially the conversation was stilted - as happens when two people are meeting for the first time. Soon we got into that comfort zone where we started looking deeper into each others lives. Capt Ramakrishnan had been at sea for more than twenty five years and as is with the merchant navy , he had touched most of the international ports in the course of his duties. Being a hard working person he had got command of a merchant vessel earlier than most. Between us we had lot of memories . But for me the sea was an alien frontier , which required exploring . As a youngster I was always fascinated by the sea and had read all the books on sea tales. As the time passed I mentioned  this to him . Did he also have some enduring memories about the places that he went to and people he met?

That is when his eyes clouded over and he had that far off look - as if he was ready to recite a tale from his past. "Surprising that you should ask me about my experiences" he said. "Only today I was sorting out my stuff and came across a photo of Pedro and myself..." before I could intervene he went on " I did my training out of the country before I joined Merchant navy. The training was tough ". I raised my eyebrows. " Don't look so skeptical" he said. " We face a lot of challenging situations and have to be prepared for everything - physically and mentally. We are away from home for along time and on a ship we are more isolated than most of you landlubbers. For us as youngsters this was drilled into our heads repeatedly. The physical training left us tired and perpetually hungry. Pedro was a steward at the Training Academy . And for us he was a lifesaver. He always used to smuggle food for us from the galley and looked after our needs. Suffice it to say that he was a very resourceful person and a favourite among the cadets. Physically Pedro was nothing great to write home about. He was grossly overweight , unfit and suffered from chronic asthma. How he got through the medicals is a mystery. But whatever his shortcomings they were more than made up by   his cheerfulness hardwork and his never - say - die attitude. Whether it be tending to a sick sailor or producing a cup of hot coffee at high seas when the need was there , he was always present. He had this sunny disposition which immediately warmed all those around him.

Years passed. During the course of my duties I kept running into him on one ship or the other...I had now become the master of my own ship. Pedro was one of my first choices for the job of steward on my ship.Time had made no difference to him either physically or otherwise. With advancing age however he had become a bit slow and his asthamatic wheeze was more pronounced now. On this particular trip I was preparing to go ashore after a long seventeen gruelling months  on board. The unloading of the cargo though was taking longer than usual. This meant that the officers would have to wait longer than usual to get off the ship . It was finally decided that the officers would only be able to sign off the next day. However the crew would be allowed to go ashore the same day. One of the lucky ones to get off was Pedro. Needless to say Pedro was thrilled to be getting off the ship. All the signing off crew loaded all their shopping into the nets before disembarking. On the shore they would head off to their homes with their precious presents for their families. Pedro did not have much of luggage , preferring to save money for his family instead. Normally when the crew is transferred to the tugboat from the ship a gangway is fixed . In this case since the Chief Mate was busy with the cargo he felt that a rope Ladder would suffice to send the disembarking crew on their way.
Most of the cargo had been offloaded and the seas were choppy causing the ship to behave like a skittish horse just prior to the race. The younger and nimbler sailors threw caution to the winds and nimbly negotiated the rope ladder to the tug boat , fourteen meters below the ship. Soon it was the turn of Pedro to disembark. There was a look of unease on his face but it soon passed. As he passed me he gave a wan smile , shook hands and proceeded to get off the ship. No prolonged goodbyes - I was going to see him the next day when the officers would go ashore. Pedro hung on tightly to the rope ladder as it swung dangerously in the winds negotiating each rung carefully. Suddenly there was a commotion. Later someone said that Pedro stopped halfway. Everyone thought that he was taking a break. Suddenly his hands let go the ladder and he toppled from a height on to the steel deck of the tug boat - head first . The sickening crunch heard over the noisy winds left no one in doubt as to his having survived the fall from this height.

Pending inquiries for insurance and the fact that his family was too poor to transport the body home, the entire crew donated money for a family member to be transported from his home for the last rites. Thus ended the life of a man who, all his life was generous to the fault and spent most of his life looking after the needs of other people, much beyond the call of duty.

I will always remember him all my life. I will always be reminded of his selfless service. At times when I am faced with a difficult situation I always recollect how he used to handle it with aplomb and equanimity...

Friday, 27 November 2015

The Party

20 Nov

The aircraft speed is reduced. It drops to 1000 ft above ground level. The rear ramp slowly opens on its well oiled hinges and neatly slides beneath the aircraft , leaving a yawning opening to the blue skies beyond . The ground looks like a chequered handkerchief in many hues of green and brown. The Paratroopers rise from the uncomfortable seats on the sides bearing the heavy load of parachutes on their backs. The para jump instructors are screaming at the paratroopers to hook up . They move from one paratrooper to another systematically checking each paratrooper's equipment and the fact that they are actually hooked up to the aircraft cable. Speech is impossible and whatever corrections are to be done are being done through gestures and hand signals. As the dropping zone closes in, the navigator hoots the horn, at the same time visually warns the paratroopers by switching on the red signal light. This is an indication for the paratroopers of the impending drop. The paratroopers are all tensed up ready to jump. The amber light and then the green light go on in quick succession and then the dispatcher is screaming and pushing the paratroopers out of the aircraft. The last word that the paratrooper hears is go...go... go ... and then blessed peace as the parachute deploys with a jerk. As soon as the parachute is deployed the paratrooper looks up to see that his parachute is properly deployed and is not damaged in any way... Then he quickly looks around to take evasive action if he close to another paratrooper. Thereafter it is drifting down to the ground , tensing up and landing on the ground. The paratrooper executes a roll to minimise the shock of hitting the ground. In the last few feet the parachute does not support the fall and the paratrooper is left to his own devices to come unscathed from the drop.Another jump has been executed safely...
Health Conclave
Just like a good jump our course in business management came to a successful end...
Prasad Accepting His Certificate
Our last day at ASCI was a blur, The morning was devoted to a conclave on health.Luminaries of the medical fraternity were present in the conclave. The  deal was to educate the participants on various aspects of health and Public Private Partnership on various aspects of health care. As was the practice we left after lunch to prepare for the final class of the evening - presentation of certificates of completion of the course and feed back in general. Everyone, right from Perumal to Sandhya expressed their views on the course. General opinion was favourable. Filling up of feedback forms was done and then we headed out of the lecture hall to hang out on the lawns -  till it was time for us to make an appearance at the breakup party that was organised for us at the DG's Residence. General bonhomie pervaded in the atmosphere. Everyone was meeting everyone else. We missed most of the instructors who taught us so patiently and well. Laughter which was muted in the beginning slowly started getting more raucous. Snatches of conversation indicated that people were remembering the good moments of the course . Everyone in the staff was handing out good advice about how we should handle our life post retirement. The evening was pleasant and drinks flowed freely - not necessarily the alcoholic type ...
Jaggu At The Party
Mrs GJ Rao & Sandhya 
We missed Prof Mahadik as he was away on some urgent personal business. Slowly the conversation petered out and soon everyone was in a brown study. The evening was lightened by the presence of Mrs GJ Rao and Ms Usha. The mood again went upbeat with most of us offering suggestions as to how to improve the course content and the course as such... We thank Profs Shahaida, Nirmalya Dean Usha and Prof Harsh Sharma. A special word about Prof harsh Sharma. He has offered us confidence in doing well in the civil world and we thank him for this special endeavour. The DG , Mr Ravi Kant also gave us some advice as to how we should excel at Excel and Powerpoint . And how these will stand us in good stead. The meal was an outstanding success . This was topped by qubani Ka Meetha . I having tasted qubani ka meetha at various stages in life in Hyderabad can say for sure that the dessert at ASCI was an unqualified success. Preparation of the dish involves boiling apricots with syrup until they assume the consistency of a thick soup or compote. The dessert is topped with blanched almonds or apricot kernels, and is traditionally garnished with malai (extra thick cream, ideally from buffalo milk), but also with custard or ice cream. This brought about the end of proceedings. Memories of the pary were imprisoned in the photos taken after the meal . I leave you with some photos of this memorable occassion...

With People Who Fed us
Photos Of the Group
This particular proclamation occupied the Notice Board at the main entrance of the Administrative Staff college of India. Every day we used to look at the notice board to see who else would benefit from the immense store of knowledge in form of the excellent instructors at ASCI. Well it is sure that people who go to ASCI to do a course will not see this particular notice now. The Course has now concluded...

Saturday, 21 November 2015


When I wrote About Entrepreneurship


A Group Photo
Memento Time at Eli Global

Paying Attention to Job Prospects

Eli Global Office Tour


 Ganesh Chathurthi
Lunch Time At ASCI

First Time Mrs Pushpa Rao  Visited 

At Work 

 Suicide Model Presented By Gp Capt GJ Rao To CM

 Guest Lecture - One of the Best
The Shop we Did Not Visit

At Westside

Sivaram Taking Stock of  Westside Parking

Himanshu at Marathon Good Josh

Prof Swarnalata

Metro Briefing

Metro Class At an End
Metro Question Time
Yarlagadda & Jaggu

Cyber Models

Prof Shah Asking Questions

Tea With Another Course

Add caption

Metro Photos

A Friend AT Agra

Jaggu Bhai

Duke & Sandy
Surya Kiran

Independence Day

Mobile Mania

Feed Back Time


When Holding Classes in Main Campus 
Was Not Feasible

House Warming Party

At Bangladesh Border

Tank Bund Tafri

Prof Mahadik

Mulpur Time
Prof Vilas Shah

Fiji Interview

ASCI Lunch

Banjo Making A Point
Jaggu on Mobile

Yet Another Guest Lecture
Chairman Emeritus

The Day We Left ASCI At 1730

Anjali Manda
Himanshu Presentatiom

Lecture By Mr Narasimham

Free Time