Tuesday 28 July 2020

The Untouchables

          It started as a niggle in the throat. As was usual I dismissed it as an onset of cold. It could'nt have come at a more inconvenient time . My wife was down with a sore throat and general feeling of tiredness. She was already on antibiotics and all other medications as were applicable to her condition. She took undue advantage of the situation and started sleeping through the day. Again the condition was attributed to normal cold symptoms. And so the first two to three days passed by. All the time I was worried that my cold would worsen and I would end up totally incapable of doing anything - as is the case in normal cold.Mininstations of vicks and gargles of betadine did not help my wife from recovering from her condition. 

          The danger signals were there but we did not recognize them. While we were not able to breeze through our normal day to day routines, we were able to get by.

Doctor in the House

          My daughter who was with us is a doctor. As is the case with most doctors she assumed the worst. A slight cough or forcible clearing of the throat immediately brough her to our room with a number of questions as to why we were clearing our throat/coughing or for that matter any aberration physiologically had her fussing over us with her giving us third degree on the various problems thereafter. So much so that we became apprehensive of her presence and started coughing or cleaaring our throat on the sly. Matters did come to a head when the doctor in the house put her foot down and forced us to go for the dreaded COVID-19 test. Rather than face repeated questioning, we consented for the test.


          They say that hindsight always makes it easy  to be wise after the event (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). I remember going to the workshop to get my vehicle serviced. As is my practice I opted for an early morning appointment, so that after the delivery of the vehicle I could walk back home and so complete my morning workout. I did walk back but the going was tough. I attributed it to the wearing of the mask and the 'cold' which I had. Now I realise that there was more to it than just the cold and the mask. Comprehension often comes too late (another of my favorite hindsight quotes).

The Test

          One fine morning we - all three of us got into the car, put on our masks and went to the hospital. Then started the torture of filling up of the forms, producing a prescription to get the test done and the production of ID for proving that it is indeed you who is getting the test done. And the waiting. That is what gets you. Added to this is the other patients coming and sitting next to you. I found an ingenous way to keep them away from me. Anyone who came to sit next to me - I told them that I was getting tested for COVID 19. The look of horror on their face when they moved away from me in quick time was priceless. A three hour wait and a quick swab of the throat and the test was over.

The Aftermath

          The consequences of our test hit us hard. Waiting for the result was interminable. In real time for about three days. During this time we checked up all our past transgressions and contacts to check up where we met someone who might have been responsible for our going for the test. We drew a blank. By now my wife was getting slightly better and sleeping only for about eighteen hours a day. The day of reckoning was finally upon us and we were diagnosed as having tested positive. The doctor proved to be right in her diagnosis.

The Untouchables

          We were immediately confined to our room. The mattter was reported to the housing society. Within a few hours the entire society of six hundred flats knew of our predicament. Our block was sealed. My daughter issued us disposable plates glasses and spoons. We survived on the food that my wife had cooked that morning for the whole day. We had to forego our daily cup of coffee because of milk not being delivered. The dog was removed from our room. A general sense of foreboding enveloped the house. Clothes were washed in the washbasin and we felt unloved. The next day also proved to be equally bleak and hopeless. The dog could not be taken for a walk.

The Silver Lining

          Soon requisition was put in to a lab to carry out testing other inmates of the home  to ensure that thay did not contract the diesease while we were waiting for the result and freely roaming about the house blissfully unaware of the impending doom. Thankfully their result was negative and this proved to be a positive outcome to help boost our morale.

The Good People

          Meanwhile messages of "get well soon" from all quarters were working wonders on our psyche. We were getting better. A lady from the neighbourhood offered to help walk our dog - it did wonders to our own digestion - knowing that the dog was getting his daily exercise. A close friend cooked food for us for the next fourteen days . This helped us eat palatable food during our incarceration. My old school mate staying on the floor above us helped us by getting us groceries and milk everyday. There are good people still existing in this world.


          The goodwill of the people around us and passing time has helped us recover totally. My wife's tiredness has now left her and she sleeps only 14 hours a day. My sense of smell which had deserted me has gradually returned. The fourteen days of incarceration were at an end. Only one thing remained before my daughter/ doctor declared us fit to resume our day to day routine - a re-test. The atmosphere was palpable with tension, when we gave our sample - this time our nose swab - very painful and makes you want to sneeze. When the result was disclosed we were declared to be negative. This morning I took my dog out for a walk.....


  1. I can imagine the predicament of covid19 patients,very well handled sir, only you with enormous patience could do it so calmly. Happy Landing's.

  2. Lucky for you....you had a doctor at home to force you into the test.....be brave......

  3. If the Covid doesn't get you, your wife will when she reads this:):). Anyway you were lucky not to require hospitalization. That, from available accounts, is a very very harrowing experience that I wouldn't want ANYONE other than the CCP to experience

  4. Illustrated so well and subtly with a lot of information.

  5. Remained calm and unperturbed during such time is a true soldier quality .Great.Have a great time ahead.

  6. Kept your Wits and stayed witty, did MR sir! God Speed the family to Full form soonest!

  7. Well.. what to say... Yes Covid has created another division in the world... Already there were too many... But if one thinks, this may be the correct pathway to recovery and not to give it to others 😀.... Happy recovery.....

  8. Very well written. Ending is pleasantly awesome.

  9. Educative and inspiring blog. Being from Horse' mouth makes it more relevant. Well done, sir. Keep it up.
    Now Chinese are clearing the field I beleive.
    Wish you and your family a good health and happiness.

  10. These chinkies are feeling insulted with your spirit and leaving the field.

  11. I hope you did hug the lab staff after the negative result like you hugged the security staff at Srinagar Airport.
    Anyway congrats. Did you test yourself in MH or civil lab.

  12. Descriptive and educational story on Covid 19 story. You are brave buddy. Take good care.

  13. Ravi and usha we are glad you fought through the ordeal successfully like two brave soldiers that you are.
    I would like to know the course of medical treatment you received while under quarantine.

  14. Dear Ravi & Usha,
    It's quite encouraging to see how you both/family/friends & pet handled the trauma! It's so encouraging to note that so many good Samaritans came forward to help when you needed most. Glad to know that you both have come out clean. As usual, humour was good in your post. Will call sometime. Take care. Regards, Ashok & Meena

    1. Dear Ravindra sir,

      Today morning I was woken up a little earlier than usual by the combined crescendo of your victory Tarzan Call and retaliatory barking of all the dogs of Chandigarh....... (it reminded me of the panic you created amongst dogs of Agra Cantt with your Tarzan Call from roof-top of Clark's Shiraz at dead of the night)! I was sure some good news is afoot.

      Congratulations on your recovery from COVID! May god bless all the near and dear ones who helped you in your difficult time.

      I'm no doctor. But, I suggest you let go a Tarzan Call periodically in your colony. It will keep all the Corona Virus at bay...... I vouch for it's effectiveness.

      Best wishes and regards,
      Gullu Dhillon.

  15. Very educative message through predicament. Predicament will not last longer but what we learn from it will remain forever. Its reflection is true image of the society.

  16. Hai Ravi and Mrs Ravi,
    When the going gets tough the tough get going.It's heartening to know you guys have recovered in quick time. Nicely written blog. Take Care

  17. Little did I realise the true reason for your absence on the walking paths of our colony. Though H block was mentioned, one could never pinpoint. Glad indeed now to learn of a quick recovery.
    Look back from your POV through blog is quite neat

  18. Congratulations brother. Nwarly Everyone has to be infected, painfully or otherwise. You are suoerfit and my roll model. Your positivity and open outlook and a residential doctor git you through without apparent scars. Humanity of neighborhood added in proverbial सोने पर सुहागा. Now you are motivational force to future infectees.

  19. Beware it can relapse if you lower your guard. Stay safe, keep safe and God bless

  20. Glad to know u r out of it. Take care bro.

  21. Sir really appreciate your will power and we are very happy that you are out of it .
    Please be safe and take care..

  22. Thanks for sharing the difficult times you both have to go through.You both came through the ordeal due to positivity,grit ,will power and determination.You may have felt lack of desired sensitivity by your neighbours.All of us were also under self imposed Quarantine.I am happy as you both recovered fast and tested negative.The society advised us to follow the guidelines as they have done in another block.Fortunately your daughter ,a doctor was there to take care.I lost a dear friend of sixty year standing to Covid few days back.His experience in a corporate hospital was scary.We as senior citizens are very vulnerable and generally taking all precautions as being advised on the media.Grateful to you for sharing your feelings.Request you to kindly advise us about the treatment also.

  23. Few galring insinuations from this first hand experience of yours. 1. One of the symptoms of Covid 19 is husbands feeling "J" about their wives' sleeping skills. Since you are still jealous of Usha sleeping for 14 hrs a day, you may well get get the test done. Current 'Negative' report may be a false Negative. 2. The fear of you both letting loose the Corona Viruses free if let to fend for yourself were apparently the cause of so many volunteers coming out to help you stay indoors. Good to cause such fear to have a comfortable hassle free quarentine. Otherwise, you wouldn't have got much time from 'Jaadu - Pocha' & 'Barthan Cleaning' to pen this first hand experience of limiting the spread of Corona. 3. Corona achha hai na! It enables one to catch up with dying skills of writing.

    Keep it up Ravindra! Hope it won't be another bout with solitude to get to read another experience of yours.

  24. Eye opener...v can't ignore simple cough/cold symptoms now....wishing u n ur family a good healthy year ahead.

  25. Excellent narrative, informative as well as amusing at times.

  26. Oh my God Ravindra. Do take care and get well soon wishes to both you and Usha. Scary experience. Covid 19 and you still make it sound so very interesting. 😊🙏

  27. Sir ,
    “ Tussi great ho”” Missed your blogs ,sir
