Friday 31 July 2020

The Good Doctor


          The interview took place in the doctor's office. Today seemed to be a relatively free day and the doctor(D) seemed  relaxed for the Q&A. It was with great reluctance that the doctor granted the interview and we were relievd that we would finally get some answers. We had been the patients who navigated the COVID trail successfully under the doctor's treatment. And in our misplaced endeavour to help future patients we decided to get a first hand account of  treatment meted out to us by the good doctor. The doctor was short with us; "What is there to know? It is a blessing that you are okay and that should be enough for you". We mumbled something about being altruistic andclearing the misconceptions about the disease. "What is in it for me?" said the doctor. We were vague about the name and fame that the doctor would gain - the doctor gave a derisive laugh and clarified that the query was about monetery gains. After a few minutes of sordid bargaining we settled on an acceptable secret figure. And so started the interview.
Live report, live news concept. A female medical worker giving an interview. Many hands of journalists with microphones. An interview with a doctor. Flat vector illustration.

Us: What medicines are to be used for COVID?
D :  Did I not give you a prescription? 
Us:  Doctor your handwriting is - pardon our saying so - illegible to the normal human being...
At this point the doctor nearly terminated the interview. It took a lot of persuasion and honeyed words to soothe the bruised ego. 
D: Rather than talk about curative procedures I would like to talk about prevention of this diesease. Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die first.
Us: And why do you say that doctor?
D: No reason at all. I just wanted to use that quote; (We looked at her dumbfounded. Our speechlessness put the doctor in a good mood)  
Us: You were talking abot prevention...
D: Prevention is better than cure.(The Doctor pontificated). It takes very little to prevent this disease. Washing of hands with soap. Wearing a mask - 
Us: we already know about that (We interrupted). There is a lot of material on this in the Government pamphlets-
D: Yes Yes (It was a season for interruptions). Who would like to go through the pain of of suffering if they can avoid it?
Us: OK doctor . Tell us about prevention.(We recapitulated)
D: The important thing is (in addition to wearing mask and washing hands and social distancing ) to boost ones' immunity. Having Zinc tablets twice a day with vitamin C D and E will help boost immunity.
Us: What about ayurveda? Are there any immunity boosters?
D: as a matter of fact yes. Chyavanprash is an immunity booster. It has a high percentage of amla (Vit C) and flavanoids (which are natural antioxidants). These help in boosting immunity. Natural spices as used in the daily food also boost immunity.
Us: In the event that someone is unfortunate to get the disease how do we go about the treatment?
D: In this world we (the doctors) are the only people who believe in the positivity of negativity. A patient who tests positive is a danger for the medical fraternity also. In the event a person does test positive the most important thing for that person is to isolate themselves -
Us: What is the difference between quarantine and Isolation?
D: People who are sick should go into isolation and people who are suspected of the disease should have their movements restricted till either they are cleared or contract the disease. People who are in Isolation should eat their food in he room they are confined to. Inanimate utensils should also be confined/ they should eat in paper plates. Anyhow these are very broad outlines. Duration can be confirmed from the medical provider. 
Us: Doctor now about the treatment...
D: Why are you on about this treatment? This is a new disease and the treatment is not standardised. Depending on the severity of the disease it is upto the medical provider whether to confine a patient at home or hospitalise the patient. Treatment is mostly symptomatic, including betadine gargles for sore throat, rehydration for diarrhea, fever is treated with paracetomal and body aches with appropriate pain relievers.
Us: Doctor you treated us with antibiotics....
D: Antibiotics is for treating co-infections of bacteria - not for COVID
Us: (We were waiting for the doctor to use the ("Co" word)  Doctor lot of people use this word co morbid - what does it mean?
D:  People who have pre-existing conditions such hypertension. heart problem, Diabetes etc are more vulnerable to the disease as are those who smoke. Liquor  provides sanitisation inside the body. so booze is good. 
Us: (We looked at the doctor incredulously) (The doctor burst out laughing)
D: Only Joking....
Us: (We looked at one another in wild surmise at this sudden levity of the doctor) ....
D:   No I have not lost my mental equilibrium (the doctor protested) . But because of the unknowns of the  disease people can go into depression - especially old people. Care must be taken to look for these signs.
Us: Doctor what is the social responsibility towards this disease.
D: Good Question. It comes into play once a person gets infected. It is the responsibility of that family to report the matter,quarantine themselves, inform the people in contact so that further spread of the diesease can be contained.
Us: Doctor.. 
D: I have not finished. (The doctor said rather rudely- we thought). It is also the responsibility of the society to care of those infected. And the media has contributed to raising the panic of the general populace. (The doctor said glaring at us). The disease, to spread, requires sustained contact. Rational handling and a cool head will help assuaging the fears of the populace.

            Seeing that the doctor was worked up we decided to end the interview, while the going was still good. In any case we got most of the information that we had come to gather. A hurried goodbye we left to publish the article .


  1. Thanks. Was Gitanjali the doctor?

  2. Good read,well written, Doctor really had a bad time explaining the know all patients

  3. Well written. It was like watching it haplening on stage.

  4. Well articulated. Nothing better than prevention.

  5. Mangipudi, very well articulated, just hope that we all keep safe.

  6. Well articulated sir..Prevention is better than cure..

  7. Moral of the story Prevention is the only aspect we need to do. Cure is in doctors hands. Informative and explained. Thanks Ravi Garu

  8. Nice to see you are back in the groove as far as blog style is concerned. No harm in harassing the good doctor for another tete-a-tete, this time an 'off-the-record' one

  9. Very well written. Found it Quite useful.
