Monday 27 August 2018

Animal Farm (Reconfiguration IV)

A letter from Tommy to God

Dear God,

We have had a long and a very good relationship. In the past I have been treated very well by you. When I had accompanied Yudhisthara on his ascent to the heavens you had granted me access - a thing which is discussed with great awe in my circles. In fact we have a lot in common. Our designations contain the same English letters.We are the same in our in  unconditional love for the humankind. Recently when my master started behaving in an odd fashion, I initially wrote it off as the stresses of life which normally affect humans. But as time passed I realised that you had induced quietly an earth shaking change in the humans - as to what this change was - only came to light when my sources in heaven confirmed my suspicions. Reconfiguration means ' To change the arrangement of something.

But in your zeal, when you decided to reconfigure the humans with the behavioral aspects of a dog , I really don't know what you were thinking. You are all seeing and in your love for all things that exist and all things which don't, but it my view that you  you have been blindsided.Your leaving it to your minions to do the needful has resulted in a muddle which I feel you must rectify immediately. Let me amplify.
Image result for dog and man in suit

Incest is not acceptable - not unless you are a dog. Did I get your attention? I hope so. In the past few months ever since your big overhaul, there have been many instances where my ilk have felt the heat of a changed human. It is one thing when humans show extreme affection to each other . But it is an entirely different ball game when they are overtly affectionate towards us. One has to draw a line somewhere.. We dogs require our space...

Man is essentially  monogamous.Now he has developed a roving eye. The animalistic character of 'might is right' has got reinforced in him. This may not bode well for the family values which you espouse - as God. I am sure that I need not amplify more on this. While there are many other unpalatable actions which a human is indulging in nowadays - suffice it to say that even as a dog they are unpalatable to me

In some ways, the  'upgrade' has worked for the humans. They have developed a healthy understanding of my clan. Like us they have become more trusting of other humans. Somewhere along the line while carrying out the upgrade your minions have failed to realise that even among the dogs there are those who are more privileged than the others. We have the breeds and we have the mongrels.... The skewed relationship among the humans because of this has not changed much. There are still those who 'have' and those who do not. Religious sentiments, Caste and Race lost their significance .

There are lesser fights among the humans and they are more tolerant of each other. But this does not prevent them from an occasional flare up - which I presume is the human side of their behavior in action - which has disastrous consequences. Man as an animal has not changed much.In spite of the upgrade the basic human instincts still exist. However some aspects have changed . His ability to hear was not bad earlier but now he has developed the ability to listen. Often times when my master was feeling sad I would be a mute listener to his rants about his work about his spouse about his children and various other   things including the government. I used to listen to him silently and comfort him by placing my head over his knee. Now he himself has become a good listener and shares other peoples' burden.

 They are no longer lazy and  are now maintaining a better health. They are now living for the moment and are not too worried about the future. Activity levels have gone up and his environmental consciousness has improved. Loud noises irritate him and this has had a positive effect on his overall ability to reduce noise pollution. It has worked to the advantage of us dogs too. No more crackers at Diwali to irritate our sensitive ears. The constant nagging of the spouses has also reduced when they realised how much noise they were creating. No more hiding of feelings for one another. A bit of growling - and if things got out of hand - bite each other and they were done with it.

Here I must take time out to tell you about one major aspect which has changed. The humans no longer found each other attractive unless it was the ' Season'. I visualise a large scale decrease in the population in the future - when due to the decrease in the activity -there is going to be a great reduction in the population....

One particular incident which I thought I must relate....

It was the 'Season'. My Master and I were both aware of the heady feeling of power when we went for a walk. As we were walking the park we saw this beautiful couple - A woman and a bitch. For once we were on the same frequency. Our aim was clear. I looked at my master and my master looked at me . The silent signal between us made me realise that there was no difference between me an my master. To paraphrase Orwell 'Dog looked at Man and man looked at the dog - and there was no difference between man and dog....
Oh God; Do you want such a world?
As Ever
Yours Faithfully


  1. The Lord Doge in his wisdom we hope will only only the better wualitqua of dogs to be imbibed by humans.

  2. Woof Woof! Wag Wag Wag! Happy dog face🐶🐶
