Friday 25 March 2016


Neeraja's behaviour was causing concern to her friend Ramona. However due to her impending trip abroad she is unable to do much. Then she remembered that Another classmate of hers and Neeraja's, Dr Shiv Narayan Sharma was in town. If anyone could be of help it would him - considering that he was a renowned Psychiatrist. Read on ......
Image result for clipart peladophobia

Dr Shiv Narayan Sharma was in deep thought. His mind was wandering aimlessly. But foremost on his mind was the thought about how much he hated people with tonsured heads. It was beyond him to understand why people shaved their heads. When he had worked in the gynaecology ward he used to detest new born babies who had no hair on their heads. Their whole aspect was one of an evil goblin. In addition to hatred of bald heads, it was his biggest grouse that as he was growing older he too was losing his hair. One of his worst  fears was that he would frighten himself to death one day when he woke up and looked at his image unexpectedly in the mirror. His Peladophobia would be the death of him.Image result for clipart peladophobia

Then his mind refocused on the problem at hand . Ramona - called to request him to have a look at another classmate of theirs - Neeraja - whose behaviour at best could be termed as erratic. Ramona  was very sketchy with the details. This was quite frustrating but the problem piqued Dr Sharma's curiosity. On the one hand he was angry that he was left holding the baby and on the other he was alarmed that a classmate of his was unwell and required help. He gave a sigh and went inside to call Neerajas daughter to find out what exactly was the problem. The girl seemed relieved that finally someone was taking interest in her problems. Not withstanding the girl's narrative Dr Sharma decided to visit Neeraja to gain an insight into her problem. He had not met her in thirty years and was wondering as to how he would explain his sudden manifestation to Neeraja. Then he remembered that another of their classmates , Venkataswamy was in town on a holiday to meet his relatives. It would be a good idea to take Venkatswamy along. There was always safety in numbers...

Venkatswamy and Dr Sharma , had kept in touch over the years. They made it a point to meet every time that Venkataswamy was in town.Once in a while (the dirty men they were) they used to leer at attractive girls.After explaining the problem to Venkatswamy it was decided that both of them would visit Neeraja.

Venkat's Narrative

When Shiv told me that we needed to meet Neeraja I was naurally surprised. We had not met her in thirty years. I did not understand the good doctor's sudden desire to meet her after such a long time. On the appointed day, while we were travelling to Neeraja's house he told me the whole story as gleaned from Ramona. He said that all his training indicated that Neeraja was suffering from a psychotic episode. In any case we would find out soon enough.We reached her place in due time and as we reached her place , her daughter opened the door. We were struck by the uncanny resemblance that the young girl bore to her mother. We were transported back in time. On introducing ourselves the questioning look on the girl's face cleared up. She let us in . The house was tastefully decorated and pleasant. The girl then started telling us how a few months back her mother started behaving erratically. We were soon to have a first hand experience of this aspect, when Neeraja walked in .
At first it was all okay, She remembered us from school and insisted that we have muffins and tea, And when we demurred she became rather insistent and became aggressively hospitable. Then to gain her confidence we talked a bit about school and then she asked us in a rather pointed manner as to why we were there. While we were deciding as to how best to reply to her she called her daughter and told her to close the windows as she feared that all the antennae outside were being used to spy on her and her visitors. Then she asked us to talk in low tones so that no one could hear us. She also told us that she could not switch on the fans as the ash which was on them would come down upon us. That something was wrong was never in doubt . But what it was, was what the good doctor had to analyse through his diagnostic skills.

When we left the doctor confided in me that all the symptoms pointed to paranoid schizophrenia. At the moment we needed to chalk out a plan to induce her to go to a hospital. As to when that would be was anybody's guess.... That moment came sooner than we thought it would. That day morning the daughter called Dr Shiv Narayan . The call was desperate. The girl told the doctor that at the moment she was locked up in her room as her mother was attacking her over some minor argument that they had had that day. The Doctor called me immediately and we went to Neeraja's place immediately. The problem as analysed by the doctor was to persuade Neeraja to go to the hospital, In her present state of mind this seemed impossible. We chalked out a plan whereby one of us would gain the trust of Neeraja and ensure her going to the hospital. The plan worked to an extent - in that Neeraja did get into the auto Rickshaw but on finding out that she was going to the hospital, immediately jumped out in the middle of a very busy intersection.

Desperate situations demanded desperate measures. And this was one of them as by now a crowd had gathered to witness this unexpected drama which was developing on the road. People thought that it was a case of spousal abuse and were shouting encouragement to the lady to make a break for it while she had a chance.The situation was becoming desperate and we knew that it would not be long before someone decided to call the law enforcement agencies. So while one of us was explaining to the crowd that it was a trivial matter, the other, with much persuasion and threats  somehow convinced her that we were visiting someone and managed to get her into the auto rickshaw. In the autorickshaw it was a matter of clinging on to her for dear life to prevent her from making the great escape again. Much to our relief and that of everyone concerned she was finally committed to the hospital. The treatment was not easy. She was pretty far gone and extreme measures had to be resorted to for bringing her back on track. She was an uncooperative patient. The treatment which involved a series of shocks and medicines. It was a very tense time for all of us. Especially for the daughter. Who had no one to depend upon.Finally after a month Neeraja was released from the hospital completely cured of her affliction. I am sure she had some introspection to do - as to what she had to do with her life from now on....

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