Thursday 14 January 2016


Swamiji why do we celebrate Festivals? Or for that matter Birth, growing up, milestones in life,marriage , and death? After all life is but a cycle. Birth , growing up and death occur in natural progression. What is a given does not really need to be celebrated. yet we take time off to celebrate all sorts of things . Time which could be used to Pray is spent in frivolous things like celebrations. Why is this so? The Swamiji appeared to be in deep thought and did not reply to my question immediately. He seemed to be meditating and had his eyes closed. I waited for sometime and was going to prompt him when he opened his eyes and looked at me with deep compassion. In anticipation of insights into life I held my silence. Then the Swamiji said " a life without any change - day in and day out becomes very drab and colourless. We require to break the monotony of life. Moreover your contention that celebrations are a waste of time is wrong. In a roundabout manner these celebrations are an assertion of the very essence of life and they constantly underline the presence of a superior force which guides us throughout our life. Man is a thinking being who can express himself . Which is generally not true of other animals. On the days of celebration Man assures himself of a superior force. On these days he reaffirms his faith in God and renews his vows of a clean life. In a way these celebrations are a way to remember God. And hence are a part of life.
Maya continued her story about giving everything up and joining the Ashram. She said " it was difficult for me to get away from my glitzy life and join the Ashram.The constant attention which was given to me was almost addictive. At the same time the guilt that I was the cause of pain for my mother who sacrificed her entire life to look after me consumed me. My endeavours to find my mother all ended in a miserable failure. My desire to make amends for my rebellious behaviour grew day by day. I remembered her patience and gentleness even when I committed mistakes. Even when I slept her images floated in front of my eyes. I started losing sleep and along with it my sang froid. The tension started affecting my life and my work. The best of food and comforts did not alleviate my distress. At that time we went for a photo shoot in the hills of Dehradun .

From the first day everything went wrong. A session for which I would have no re-takes earlier did not come out right even after a number of repetitions. I told my director that I would require a break for a day or two. He was generous enough to give me a break with the promise that I would complete my assignment in time . In desperation I sought divine intervention . My search brought me to the Ashram of the Swamiji. It was a life changing experience for me. There was this aura emanating from the Swamiji which made me feel protected and loved . All my fears were washed away and I felt safe.
Initially I wanted to go back to my life as a celebrity. But somewhere along the way I realised that I was happier at the Ashram, where nothing else mattered other than the service to mankind. I have now spent more than an year in the Ashram. I am at peace with the world and all my demons have been exorcised.Image result for meditation clipart

There has been talk of my linkages with the Swamiji. But this did not bother me. What do people know about true love and for that matter what do people understand about devotion and piety. We are immersed in lies which slowly become the guiding forces of our life.It is in human nature to Gossip, quarrel and indulge in innuendos. Should we take cognizance of every little thing that affects us?


I have a friend in the USA.He lives in the bay area.I have known him for long. Recently when I was relating the story of my journey to the Swamiji's feet he called me selfish. At first I did not understand what he was trying to say - then I spent some time hoping to decipher his rather cryptic criticism After all no one likes to be called selfish. As far as I was concerned I was pure as driven snow with no perceivable fault. Frequent introspection revealed no discernible flaw in my personality. Then why did my friend make this statement about my being selfish?

I have gained no insights into my nature on the this profound statement of my friend. But after hearing the story of Maya further analysis of my self did reveal some flaws. We do not seek solace in God until some drastic life changing situation affects us. Even then how many people really heed these course corrections that God gives us once in a while? I was guilty of becoming jealous of  Maya because of her proximity to the Swamiji. But after getting to know her better I realised that it is best to leave things alone if one is to have peace of mind...

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