Wednesday 14 February 2018

The Birthday Miracle

          Life is a miracle. Some people live an extraordinary life, some people live an ordinary life and some just survive. I belong to the last class or so I believed...

          But then humans are known for changing their minds based on the occurances in their lives. I was soon about to do so.         

           It was going to be just another lonely day. Notwithstanding the fact that it was going to be my birthday. The wife and daughter were not with me. My  son was at a different place pursuing his studies and I was stuck in my place of posting completing my time before I was re united with my family. I think only criminals and army men do their time before they are liberated from the prison. Both of their own creation My prison was my job. The diktats of the army had to be followed – for serving the country and earning a living in the process. The previous evening I had  kept awake till 1200h knowing that someone would call to wish me a happy birthday. That was not to be. Finally at 1230h after nodding off several times in anticipation of congratulatory messages on my having inhabited this earth, I went to sleep. No one called. Not that I was a celebrity that people would work themselves into a frenzy on my birth and kill each other on trying to outdo each other in the process of celebration....

          The next day dawned bright and cheerful. At least God was with me on my Birthday.
  I was rudely jolted out of my sleep when my phone’s shrill ring tone woke me up.( My family finally woke up to the fact that I was celebrating one more year of existence on this earth). “Happy Birthday” said my wife and daughter on the speaker phone. What is so happy about a birthday? I wanted to ask them. But stifled my inner thoughts and civilly thanked them for their wishes. Then it was my son,” Happy birthday” he said. And followed it by inquiring as to what I was doing. What would one do early in the morning after waking up? Anyhow the appropriate response was – “Nothing” and I so responded. ‘Nothing’ is a conversation stopper. We both did not know as to how to proceed from there. He again wished me a happy birthday and I again saidThank You. And that was that. As I came out of the bathroom, there were about fifteen missed calls on my mobile. I had to respond to each of them by calling back. In effect I had to pay for people wishing me a Happy Birthday. By the time I had got ready, the frequency of the calls abated. There was nothing else to look forward to the day was as good as over.  In my own turn  I wished all those people who shared a Birthday with me .... I confess I liked being wished a Happy Birthday even if the wishes were just a part of our civilised existence. ...

Elsewhere(Unknown to me)  

          “It is uncle’s Birthday” announced Anuj. His dad looked cornered.While the monetary aspect of a Birthday was not a problem, dad also knew that he would have to strain his gray cells for finding an appropriate present. He knew that something was coming up. He did not know what – but something was on.And what Anuj wanted Anuj got it done even if it meant that his father had to move Heaven and Earth. He did not have to wait long. Young Anuj did not need encouragement to continue. “And we would like to celebrate it with him” Anuj and his friend Bunny had been planning for days for this event. It was only on the penultimate day that they planned to involve their parents. They had it all chalked out. A present was to be given. A cake had to be cut and it was to be a surprise. The problem was the present and the children did not know what to present . Bunny suggested a Hulk Toy. Anuj thought of presenting an umbrella. It was then that they thought about bringing the elders in to the picture. Wiser counsels prevailed over the unbridled enthusiasm of the youngsters. The cake was ordered. Naturally the flavour had to be to the liking of the children. There was to be no compromise on this issue. Though they did not agree with the present selection , sometimes it was wise to listen to the elders.  The  presents bought. And the children were ready to bring joy into my life on a day which mattered to me most.

The Evening of My Birthday

          “Uncle come out” (From my room)said the children as they barged into my room in the evening, when I took some time, to  open the door to some rather noisy and persistent ringing of my doorbell. Thank God I was suitably attired!

          Anuj and Bunny adopted me for practicing their violin before each class. Every evening we spent some time over their violin classes and I helped them learn the nuances of improving their violin skills.And once I was satisfied with the practice we would then watch a movie together .

          It was dark outside when I stepped out as per their request. There was chill in the air. Suddenly there was a sharp pop like that of the champagne bottle being opened. I was showered  with sparkling confetti and the children sang the most popular song in the world. I was overcome with emotion. The party moved indoors. Anuj opened  the cake box and bunny set up the cake and the candle. Soon it was cake cutting time and we fed each other a piece of cake. Though the children liked chicken, they brought a vegetarian Pizza, keeping in view my food preferences. Presents were handed over. A pen from Bunny and a photo from Anuj. The ev ening slowly drew to a close....

          My mind went back to the beginning of the day when I was cynical  and scornful about people celebrating their birthdays with huge parties. While I was still against the parties , my birthday could not have been celebrated better than spending time with these thoughtful youngsters. It was the best present I could have gotten for my for my birthday..... 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For most of us our life is our immediate circle of people. And it is important to keep it safe, civil and joyous. Great to see that you have a bright one. You are lucky, indeed, than many.
    Belated happy birthday sir!!

  3. Beautiful narrative. A day well spent, but why confine it to a particular day, I wonder
