Wednesday 2 August 2017

Run Srini Run

"I was always late for school" - Srini

It was the same story all over again. Srini found himself among the latecomers ,standing outside the gate. He could still hear the strains of the morning prayer from the assembly ground as a multitude of voices sang in unison. Soon he could see the children heading towards the classes in an orderly fashion. The ground was quite again. He braced himself for the punishment for his tardiness. The physical education teacher could be strict. He was also a sadist. The punishment could be anything from a few whacks on the bottom with a cane and if the teacher was feeling benevolent then a tongue lashing . The teacher was also unimaginative. So, as was usual it was a run round the periphery of the school. Srini soon found himself running. There was the danger  of still getting corporal punishment if he came in last. Not to mention the humiliation of a smarting bottom which made it difficult to sit in the class throughout the day. This put wings on his feet and he managed to come in before all the others.The initial classes were sweaty and uncomfortable. But as the sun dried out the sweat, school became tolerable.

"I Beat the System" - Srini

This continued through  the years in school. . Physiologically,as he got older his legs got stronger and his lungs built up endurance. Somewhere along the way he felt that coming late unnecessarily focussed unwanted attention on him.The idea was to beat the system. And so he made efforts to come on time.He still missed the school bus as he woke up late and had to travel by civil buses. This meant changing two buses . Invariably he got late.But now he learnt new tricks. As soon as he was off the bus, he would take of at a run. As time passed he perfected the art of beating the clock. He would reach the gates just as they were closing. With his slight frame he would manage to squeeze through and be home and dry.  Leaving the Physical training teacher fuming at having missed another opportunity to punish Srini. It soon became a battle of wits between the physical education teacher and him - and a source of entertainment for the other children. Of course the children were cheering Srini. In his more spiteful moments the Physical education teacher would close the gates a full five minutes before the scheduled time, just to catch Srini on a wrong foot.

"My Sense of Competition Increased" - Srini

"Run Srini Run"                                    -  Other Students

This battle of wits brought out the best in Srini. It was a cat and mouse game which Srini won hands down. The children would exhort Srini with cries of "Run Srini Run..." goading him to improved performances. One day the Physical Education conceded defeat. Maybe it was a death in the family or maybe his daughter eloped - we will never know the reasons. But on that day his attitude changed he no longer gave a damn about Srini. Or so it seemed till that fateful day when the cross country team list was put up on the  bulletin board. Srini's name was included in the list of boys selected to participate in the cross country competition. Srini who would never run unless his life depended on it, was now officially a part of the school cross country team and hated it as only a young child could - with all his heart.. Into his twisted thinking came the uncharitable thought that perhaps the physical education teacher was exacting his revenge on him for all those times that he made an ass of him .  For the rest of his  time in school Srini was running for (as per him) for all the wrong reasons. The unfairness of it all was quite disheartening. Srini decided that he would never run all his life after leaving school....

" Priorities Change.." - AuthorImage result for marathon man clipart

Srini went to college. Things were different at college. There were no penalties or punishments for going late to college. Srini went to college, got educated and came back home. He did not run on any day except when probably he had to visit the wash room in a hurry. While his views on life did not change in any other aspect, they did change in one sphere - and that was his interest in girls. The whole problem was girls liked boys who stood out in various fields.As far as they were concerned Srini was invisible. A whole night of deep thought as to his capabilities which would impress the girls made  Srini realise that the only field that he excelled in was running. Reluctantly he took up running - again. His prowess in track and field events got him noticed by the other sex. There was no dearth of girlfriends thereafter. As a consequence the years at college passed pleasantly  with many fond memories- what with all the adulation and admiration he received from the other sex for his exploits on the track. When college finished and he graduated , once again he hung up his running boots and promised himself that he  would never run again in his life....

Life goes on...

Along the way srini met the girl of his dreams and got married. In all respects it was a happy and satisfying union. With no major encumbrances and a steady job, Srini settled into his new life. His job took him to new places and with this came the pleasure of meeting new people and establishing new relationships. Once in a while when they got tired of the local climes he and his wife travelled all over the country and abroad. Srini liked the direction his life was going. To top it all - not a single day of running or even hurrying . No worries about missing deadlines or being late for anything. The years passed... It was time for Srini's annual medical check up. Little did Srini realise that there was a bombshell about to be explode. The day after his blood check up Srini was informed by his doctor that he was a borderline case for a lifestyle disease. And that he had to pull up his socks and change his sedentary lifestyle if he were to improve his health. Srini's world came crumbling about his ears. His mortality shocked him. Deep thought and introspection put him back on the roads. The first few days on the road were sheer torture. He could barely do two kilometres at a stretch. With grit and determination and the desire to outlive most of his friends Srini persisted in keeping at it. Soon he started enjoying the fresh air and quietness of the early morning runs.

In His Own Words...

" Somehow that which I hated doing all my life ultimately proved to be a lifesaver. I never did imagine that I would be a vulnerable to these diseases. I always thought it was only for other people - people who had served their time on earth and were ready to meet their maker for settling scores for their sins on earth. When things happen closer to home then one sits back and thinks . I wanted to have a full an complete life". There was that far off look on Srini's face. Then as if aroused from his dream he continued; " Results of my attempts at working out were almost immediately evident in my medical test results. I vowed that I would never ever have a medical problem in my life. Since I was already running I decided to participate in long distance races. Soon I was leading the pack. I won numerous awards and cash prices. I started participating in races all over the country. The races and the awards thereafter kept the whole thing very interesting. Over a period of time I came to know all the regulars, and a side bet or two on how many of them I would beat fetched me a tidy sum".

"The high I was on after winning a race was worth the effort that went into preparing for the race. I will never forget my physical education teacher nor will I forget my school mates who exhorted by shouting "Run Srini Run..... "

Srini was now about 55 years of age. New friends were made on the early morning route. One day one of his friends told him about a competition for his age group. Srini decided to participate for the heck of it. The first race for his age group did not go all that well. he came in at the fortieth position. But the achievement of completing a gruelling race gave him a sense of accomplishment. For the first time in his life Srini enjoyed running. Soon he was participating in most of the races all over the country. And in no time he was leading the pack. When asked about his emergence as a serious contender for various race competitions, at a school competition Srini said '" the adrenaline high from having run a race and the adulation thereafter - not to talk about the huge amount of bounty for having stood first is priceless.....


  1. An awesome tribute to Srini!! Very well captured and reconstructed Ravindra!! Srini doesn't believe in running for running sake though..only for winning!! And given his attention to details, ( the length of the stride, number of steps in a minute,etc), nothing about him surprises me anymore !! The mojo has just begun. .

  2. Three kinds of people roam this earth. One who wait to let it happen. Second who can see it happen and finally are the ones like Srinivas who make it happen. This fella is a rockstar...Keep running Forest Gump

  3. Beautifully written down. your lines made me to travel back to old school time. It also recalled my P.T.Sir (an ex army man) who took intiative to train up guys to be tough on the field.

  4. With some dramatization and a few twists, this manuscript can well turn into a motion picture.

    I think we should send this story to Ameer Khan or Farhan Akhtar, even better, Steven Spielberg.

    I still feel that Srinu's best is yet to come!


  5. Brilliantly written ! Srini seems to the Federer of running - his best coming as the years go by ..

    Ravindra- a pleasure to read your posts . I have read the emails to the school yahoo groups , the one that you wrote about Achyut and now this. Looking forward to read the several others you must have penned -

    Ps : I am sure there is a story lurking on " Write Ravindra, Write!"

  6. Ravindra, very well written.
    In short, the situations we face often in life are our calling and are thrown in front of us to learn a lesson.
    Enjoyed reading a matter of fact put across with subtle humour.

  7. Nice piece, sir. Keep writing. Cheers...Ramu, ASCI

  8. Hooked on Endorphins...

    Great write-up, a warm tribute to a good buddy that turned negatives into a positive prowess, both in schoolyard and in life's endless journey of self.

    "Run వై యెస్ సారు Run", I say often, as a vet school friend of his from 1984...

    Keep running (carefully) Buddy��!!

  9. From the comments above, I believe this is a real time story. Looks like another episode of Bhag Milkha Bhag, with different backgrounds. It should make a very good film. We all love to see real time encouraging stories of our great nation!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Run for fun or life will make you run for your life ....good one Ravi

  12. Good one, Ravi. I could relate most parts of it to my personal experience. Liked reading it so much that now I cannot wait for the next one. When is the nexy one?

  13. Awesome scripting sir, I echo the views of converting it into motion pictures. Scripting to this tune is indeed an art and I dare say you have attained mastery on it.
    Indeed great reading. Thx for jogging my life from childhood thus far.

  14. Love your stories, keep on writing.
