Thursday 5 April 2018

The Presentation (Re-Configuration II)

          The biggest  opponent of the upgrade -which was at the moment under discussion in the heavens was the Oracle – who was also among the newer Gods. He was very vocal about the proposed change and made no bones about his protest. “Dogs have been known to bite the hand that feeds them’; he said to anyone and everyone who would listen to his viewpoint. He was speaking from experience,while on earth,it seemed. He openly canvassed against this proposed ‘upgradation’. “ How can it be an upgrade” he argued; “Dogs have been known to always be faithful to humans and those dogs which roam the streets are scared of man . It beats my imagination as to how an inferior brain will be an improvement”.
          Be that as it may, the day of the presentation dawned bright and pleasant. But then ‘it is always sunny in the heavens’. The general hubbub died down as The God walked in to preside over the proceedings of the day. The computer expert who was to give the presentation was naturally very nervous . To get over his nervousness he was eating an apple. He had just taken a bite when God had walked in. He hurriedly put the partially eaten apple to a side. God then looked kindly at him and said “ You had put forth an idea the last time. I am curious as to what you said and would like you to expand on the idea of improving the behavioural aspects of the humans”. "Do you have your presentation ready”? he asked.
          There were murmurs in the conference , some snickers and a few derisive comments. God raised his hand for silence (nothing escaped him).” I hear that some of you have expressed serious doubts over this idea . I would like you to express yourselves without reservations. We can always thrash out the details later after the presentation. It almost seemed that God was sold on the idea and was just toying with the rest of the congregation before he put the plan in action. Nevertheless the oracle decided that he should have his say. “ Sir my objections are that dogs are lesser beings and to turn to them for the so called 'improvement' of a human would be a fallacy. Some dogs – in fact all dogs are not equal and it is a ‘dog eat dog’ world out there. I feel that we should deliberate on this more before we take a precipitate step.
          God smiled at the Oracle and said “Let us first hear what our computer expert has to say before we jump to any conclusions”. "I shall definitely keep your viewpoint in mind before we implement anything”. And so began the presentation by the computer expert who was nervous and had only the time to take a bite from his apple before he had the stage.

          Unlike the Earth where there was a requirement of screens and hardware to project ones ideas , here in heaven the entire presentation was based on thought projection. Those sitting at the back of the room could see the presentation as those in the front. The computer expert cleared his throat and started off. This conference was started with the premise that there was widespread anarchy on the earth leading to hate jealousy enmity and unrest. And that there was a requirement of changing the situation for the better. I had proposed that we should upgrade the humans with the behavioural aspects of a dog to improve the situation. God agreed to it. ( The computer expert was not beyond sucking up to God by praising him).

          Dogs have an innate sense of loyalty. They are loyal to their masters unconditionally. This aspect would help prevent backstabbing among humans . Faithfulness among the humans  would increase and lead to a better quality life. 

          Dogs have no religion and would live without any religious pressures . Imagine a world with a single religion – that of humanity. As soon as he said this the religious heads in heavens started objecting. But God sharply told them to keep quite and listen..
          Dogs love unconditionally. Dogs do not believe in conditional love. When a dog loves someone it does not think about what is in store for it as a consequence of this love. In spite of anger shown by its master it does not plot revenge. It loves its master all the same.  Half our life as a human being we plot the downfall of the others and miss out on the main issue as to why we were sent to earth in the first place. Imagine an earth where there is no hate. It would be as good as Paradise. With people utilising their brains for constructive purpose rather than destructive purposes earth would be a good place to live in. The ability of a dog to forgive its master even if he kicked it will go a long way in ridding the earth of conflicts.

          While the presentation was on, the Gods were listening with increasing consternation. An earth without conflict, hate, jealousy and anger meant that people on the earth would not be polarised towards one religion or the other.People would no longer need religion for gaining solace . All religions and beliefs would cease. Their life’s work and their perceived  suffering  – while on earth would be destroyed. The populace would not have time for the lesser Gods. They would have only one God and that was The God.

          Perhaps this was why God was listening intently. He was also visualising the changes that would come into effect if  the plan as presented was implemented. God was tired of constant bickering among the others. He wanted to put an end to it. “ The plan seems very good . And I am sure with it being put into action the earth would be a better place to live on” He said; I would like you to work on it . Choose your team from all Gods available here . In due time we will put the plan in action..
In an unspoken agreement the other Gods kept quite, putting up a cheerful front while working on as to how to sabotage this idea. This required planning and flawless execution. 

          The lack of any major objections while not being a surprise for God certainly raised his eyebrows(that is right God has eyebrows- we are only built in his image). As was his wont he decided to wait and see as to how the plot would develop.....